I don't know if there are other ways to end up in this situation, but I have a large number of OFX imported transactions, where the memo is put in all three splits (investment account, the security, and the category). If I edit the transaction in the investment account and empty the memo, it actually is not removed from the category split. I discovered this by looking at a category based report. It is possible to edit/clear the memo by editing the transaction in the brokerage account, where the category shows up as a split transaction. I'd love to see an easier way of getting to this. If I edit the transaction in the investment account itself, the category split is not shown. I can see the memo looking the the Category View, but editing transactions in that context is not allowed. This is a wishlist, because I'm not even certain of the best way to approach this. It might partly be done by notifying the user any time a memo is edited, where it will not make the same edit in all splits of the transaction.
I have since realized that this problem is not restricted to investment transactions. Removing a memo from the Account split (such as credit card) seems to not always remove it from the Category split, where it becomes impossible to remove other than by manually editing the data file.