STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. start umbrello 2. add state diagram 3. add state 4. select state and open property dialog OBSERVED RESULT The 'ok' button is selected first EXPECTED RESULT The initial cursor should be placed in the name input field SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Windows: 7 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The same applies to the properties dialog of activities
Git commit 57df796dbb90e14d6e5a0699cdd63ae39d381380 by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 02/01/2020 at 01:02. Pushed by habacker into branch 'release/19.12'. Fix 'The initial cursor position in the properties dialog of a state should be set to the name field' FIXED-IN:2.30.1 (KDE Applications 19.12.1) M +1 -0 umbrello/dialogs/activitydialog.cpp M +1 -0 umbrello/dialogs/statedialog.cpp