SUMMARY: not obvious whether battery is charging / discharging from icon SOLUTION: use significantly different icons for charging and discharging states Using Plasma with the Breeze theme, the system tray has a small, mostly black, battery icon. When charging, there is a lightning-bolt symbol on the battery. The problem is that the lightning-bolt symbol is very hard to see on a retina-level screen (~270 DPI), thus it is not obvious whether the charger is connected or not. (Yes, one can probably make all icons larger. I don't want that: part of the point of a high-resolution laptop screen is to get lots of content on the screen. Other than this little detail, icons are clear enough at ~20 pixels across.)
> the lightning-bolt symbol is very hard to see on a retina-level screen (~270 DPI Are you scaling the display at all? At 270 DPI, you would need to be using a 2-8 to 3.0x scale factor to make everything show up at the intended size. If not, I would expect *everything* to be difficult to distinguish at effectively one third of the intended size.
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