Bug 415559 - Standard Face Detection does not work on LowRes pictures
Summary: Standard Face Detection does not work on LowRes pictures
Alias: None
Product: digikam
Classification: Applications
Component: Faces-Detection (show other bugs)
Version: 7.0.0
Platform: Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Digikam Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-12-25 20:27 UTC by Alexandre Belz
Modified: 2020-11-18 09:39 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 7.2.0
Sentry Crash Report:

Test JPG file (164.58 KB, image/jpeg)
2019-12-25 20:27 UTC, Alexandre Belz

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Description Alexandre Belz 2019-12-25 20:27:28 UTC
Created attachment 124712 [details]
Test JPG file

Standard Face Detection does not work on LowRes pictures

1. Open picture enclosed
2. Right click on it, Scan for faces

There is no face detected.

All people should be detected

Windows: 10
Comment 1 Maik Qualmann 2019-12-25 21:46:43 UTC
We have 2 pre-learned DNN data models. The simple model we are using at the moment cannot find faces in this image. The yolo DNN model would find all faces. However, digiKam would grow by almost 300MB. In any case, it has nothing to do with the image size.

Gilles, I would suggest that we program a downloader for this model in digiKam and download it from files.kde.org/digikam if necessary.

Comment 2 caulier.gilles 2019-12-25 22:23:12 UTC
Yes, i thinking about that too. Current model must still the default one. Large model must be optional.

Downloader can be used also later for other models, as to detect/recognize animals, plans, monuments. In fact the neural network code is ready for that. The missing is data, not code. 

I'm not sure if file.kde.org is the right place. Perhaps digiKam.org will be better...

Comment 3 Alexandre Belz 2019-12-25 22:28:15 UTC
Hi Maik and Gilles, do you mean that Face detection (only placing rectangle on faces) is now also Neuronal in digikam ?
i'm fine with that, it's just to understand...
Comment 4 Maik Qualmann 2019-12-26 10:13:07 UTC
Interestingly, the faces are recognized when I split the image. If I debug the incorrectly recognized rectangles, my guess is that the DNN engine can be irritated by the background.

Comment 5 Alexandre Belz 2020-08-03 11:21:30 UTC
Hello guys,

the test picture attached to this ticket still cannot get faces detected by 
* "Thumbnail" -> RightClick -> "Scan for Faces".
* "People" -> "Detect faces" for all library (with only this file).

Other pictures works fine.
Comment 6 Maik Qualmann 2020-11-16 21:33:56 UTC
Git commit 32333a2719bfc0d97d631a84889b56d3f5a9a7ad by Maik Qualmann.
Committed on 16/11/2020 at 21:32.
Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'.

add checkbox for YOLO v3 face detection
Related: bug 426309, bug 420128
FIXED-IN: 7.2.0

M  +1    -0    core/app/views/stack/itemiconview_search.cpp
M  +1    -0    core/libs/album/treeview/albumselectiontreeview.cpp
M  +9    -1    core/libs/facesengine/detection/facedetector.cpp
M  +2    -0    core/libs/settings/applicationsettings.cpp
M  +3    -0    core/libs/settings/applicationsettings.h
M  +10   -0    core/libs/settings/applicationsettings_miscs.cpp
M  +3    -0    core/libs/settings/applicationsettings_p.cpp
M  +2    -0    core/libs/settings/applicationsettings_p.h
M  +1    -0    core/utilities/facemanagement/database/facescansettings.cpp
M  +3    -0    core/utilities/facemanagement/database/facescansettings.h
M  +8    -8    core/utilities/facemanagement/threads/facepipeline.cpp
M  +1    -1    core/utilities/facemanagement/threads/facepipeline.h
M  +1    -1    core/utilities/facemanagement/threads/facepipeline_p.h
M  +26   -0    core/utilities/facemanagement/widgets/facescanwidget.cpp
M  +2    -0    core/utilities/facemanagement/widgets/facescanwidget_p.h
M  +2    -1    core/utilities/facemanagement/workers/detectionworker.cpp
M  +1    -1    core/utilities/facemanagement/workers/detectionworker.h
M  +1    -1    core/utilities/facemanagement/workers/recognitionworker.cpp
M  +1    -1    core/utilities/facemanagement/workers/recognitionworker.h
M  +4    -2    core/utilities/maintenance/facesdetector.cpp
M  +1    -2    core/utilities/setup/downloader/filesdownloader.cpp

Comment 7 Alexandre Belz 2020-11-18 09:39:46 UTC
Thank you @Maik for that Fix !