SUMMARY When you use two or three konsole windows (or dolphin, etc) and they are grouped on taskbar, you should have ability to click on few thumbnails to open all windows. The current behaviour is to hide thumbails (or windows list) after clicking and showing one window. Expected behaviour is like using close button. You can hover grouped windows thumbs, and multiple-click on (X) buttons to close multiple windows, and the reel won't close. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. hover mouse on grouped task name 2. click on one grouped window 3. thumbnails will fade-out EXPECTED RESULT When mouse is still over the thumbnail preview, the preview not fades untill mouse over. That same is for when you click on grouped task name instead of hovering. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Linux/KDE Plasma: kubuntu
I think this is a reasonable request.
Here's a patch that fixes this:
Thank you Nate.
You're welcome!
I'm afraid my patch was rejected. :( However you can get this behavior yourself by opening /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.taskmanager/contents/ui/ToolTipWindowMouseArea.qml on your system and removing "rootTask.hideToolTipTemporarily();". This will get reset every time you upgrade. But at least you'll have a path forward to get the behavior you want for yourself.
Definetely I'll do. I suppose "they" doesn't even use two or more Konsole windows. They all look same, black with some text. So when you are searching the right session, You just can't guess it by thumbnails, that's why. Another resolution of this would be temporary bringing hovered window to the front, to see it in full.
(In reply to Piotr Budny from comment #6) > Another resolution of this would be temporary bringing hovered window to the > front, to see it in full. In fact that's already an option: Configure Task Manager > Appearance > Highlight windows when hovering over tasks.
Yes, have you tried it? It makes my eyes hurt :) It is a hard-to understand almost-translucent windows mix. I'll just patch my files, thanks.
>They all look same, black with some text. So when you are searching the right session, You just can't guess it by thumbnails, that's why. Oh, it's always better to lead with the underlying reason for a request. I have a far better time relating to it. It's not that you're opening N windows, it's that you want to have a better way to find which of N you want! Makes much more sense. We've had some thoughts on exposing "custom thumbnails" in the past. (like we do for media controls, which should album artwork instead of the preview). I'll bear this konsole case in mind moving forwards.
With Konsole - yes. But with Doplhin, when I need to copy one file to another window, I want to bring two windows at once.