Bug 414734 - Krita crashes when opening particular animation files
Summary: Krita crashes when opening particular animation files
Alias: None
Product: krita
Classification: Applications
Component: Animation (show other bugs)
Version: 4.2.8
Platform: Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Tiar
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-12-02 02:21 UTC by antha1299
Modified: 2019-12-04 15:53 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

A simple animation (1.00 MB, application/binary)
2019-12-02 16:03 UTC, Ahab Greybeard
Krita Crash File (1.54 MB, application/x-krita)
2019-12-03 06:15 UTC, antha1299
'repaired' version of BallCrashTest (1.93 MB, application/binary)
2019-12-03 08:13 UTC, Ahab Greybeard
Animation file with onion skins enabled and SDTV PAL color space - crashes (119.52 KB, application/x-krita)
2019-12-03 21:53 UTC, Tiar
Animation file with onion skins enabled and sRGB color space - doesn't crash (585.81 KB, application/x-krita)
2019-12-03 21:53 UTC, Tiar

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description antha1299 2019-12-02 02:21:10 UTC
Krita seems to exclusively crash when opening animation files.
This only happens with animations, any other files without animation seem to work fine.

1. Open a .kra animation file 
2. Wait for it to crash 
3. Crash

Windows 10 Version:10.0.18362 Build 18362


I've attached my hardware information

Here's my crash log: https://pastebin.com/Px7hQc5f

I have 2 monitors

For some visual aid, here is a gif of the process: https://imgur.com/ntDqFTW
Comment 1 Ahab Greybeard 2019-12-02 16:03:39 UTC
Created attachment 124270 [details]
A simple animation

This can't be happening to many (if any) other people or the help forums and the bug reports would haave lots of reports.

You haven't actually attached your harware information and it would be useful to attach or post the output from Help -> 'Show system information for bug reports' window.

Have you tested this with animations that other people have made or just with your own animations? I attach a simple animation for you to try.

If you start krita with no input file and then Open an animation, does it still crash?

Are you running the installed version of krita 4.2.8? If so, can you try the portable 64-bit .zip package from here: https://download.kde.org/stable/krita/4.2.8/krita-x64-4.2.8.zip
Just Extract it into your Downloads folder then run the krita.lnk file inside it.

If you create an animation in krita, does it play ok and seem to save ok?
Does it then crash if you open that saved animation?

Can you attach an example .kra animation that crashes for you?
Comment 2 Ahab Greybeard 2019-12-02 16:06:15 UTC
(Comment to enable me to change the status to NEEDSINFO WAITINGFOR INFO).
Comment 3 Tiar 2019-12-02 20:00:09 UTC
@antha1299 Can you please also include the file that causes the crash on your system?
Comment 4 antha1299 2019-12-03 06:15:16 UTC
Created attachment 124287 [details]
Krita Crash File
Comment 5 antha1299 2019-12-03 06:41:10 UTC
(In reply to Ahab Greybeard from comment #1)
> You haven't actually attached your hardware information and it would be
> useful to attach or post the output from Help -> 'Show system information
> for bug reports' window.
Apologies, apparently the hardware information file was too big to upload here, so here is a dropbox:

> Have you tested this with animations that other people have made or just
> with your own animations? I attach a simple animation for you to try.
I've only tested this with my owns animations, the animation you attached doesn't crash and seems to work fine.

> If you start krita with no input file and then Open an animation, does it
> still crash?
Yes, for my animations.

> Are you running the installed version of krita 4.2.8? If so, can you try the portable 64-bit .zip package
I am using the installed version, unfortunately, the portable version seems to have the same result.

> If you create an animation in krita, does it play ok and seem to save ok?
Yes previewing and saving the animation seems to work fine

> Does it then crash if you open that saved animation?

> Can you attach an example .kra animation that crashes for you?
Comment 6 Ahab Greybeard 2019-12-03 08:13:08 UTC
Created attachment 124289 [details]
'repaired' version of BallCrashTest

Setting to Confirmed and changing the Title.

The .kra file attached in Comment 4 (BallCrashTest) causes an instant crash when opened with krita 4.2.8 (Linux and Windows) and with the Dec02 4.3.0 pre-alpha Windows build gf923297a45.

It does not crash with krita (Linux and Windows)

I can 'repair' BallCrashTest (using by deselecting the selection that is present AND turning off onion skins and then saving it. After that it doesn't crash in 4.2.8 or the Dec02 Windows 4.3.0 prealpha. This file is BallCrashTest-Fixed1 which I attach.

However, using 4.2.8 with my BlueRingMoves .kra file of Comment 1, if I add a selection and turn on onion skins then save it, it does not crash on reopening. Hence there is no clear cause-effect with those factors.

@antha1299 Does BallCrashTest-Fixed1 work for you using 4.2.8?

Can you try using the portable .zip from https://download.kde.org/stable/krita/ to see if it works for you for all animations?

Can you use to 'repair' your original BallCrashTest as I described above so that it works in 4.2.8?

If works for you then you may want to use it as a temporary measure, for animations, until this problem is tracked down and fixed.

Do all your 4.2.8 animations so far have a selection and have onion skins turned on?
Comment 7 Ahab Greybeard 2019-12-03 08:15:12 UTC
(Comment needed to change status to CONFIRMED)
Comment 8 Ahab Greybeard 2019-12-03 12:03:17 UTC
A very recent (Dec 03) fix for a crash bug associated with onion skins: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=414668 seems to have also fixed this crash bug, at least as far as the BallCrashTest.kra file is concerned.

@antha1299 Can you download and try the latest Windows portable 4.3.0 prealpha build from: https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/Krita_Nightly_Windows_Build/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/krita-nightly-x64-v4.3.0-prealpha-900-g089a28f96c.zip and see if this works for you?

If it does then you might want use it because it has other bug fixes that give an improvement over 4.2.8. (even though prealpha builds are not recommended for
normal daily use and may contain new or modified features that are not yet stable).

It would be useful to understand why and how BallCrashTest.kra was able to crash 4.2.8 and later 4.3.0 prealpha builds if you can provided any more information about it.
Comment 9 antha1299 2019-12-03 16:50:46 UTC
(In reply to Ahab Greybeard from comment #6)

> @antha1299 Does BallCrashTest-Fixed1 work for you using 4.2.8?

> Can you try using the portable .zip from
> https://download.kde.org/stable/krita/ to see
> if it works for you for all animations?
Yes, it seems to open all the animations without a problem.

> Can you use to 'repair' your original BallCrashTest as I described
> above so that it works in 4.2.8?
Yes, I just needed to turn off onion skins and it worked fine. 

> Do all your 4.2.8 animations so far have a selection and have onion skins
> turned on?
None of them have any selections, but all of them have onion skins on. If I open those files in Krita, then turn off onion skins, I can then reopen them in Krita 4.2.8 without a problem.
Comment 10 antha1299 2019-12-03 16:59:15 UTC
(In reply to Ahab Greybeard from comment #8)
> @antha1299 Can you download and try the latest Windows portable 4.3.0
> prealpha build from:
> https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/Krita_Nightly_Windows_Build/
> lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/krita-nightly-x64-v4.3.0-prealpha-900-
> g089a28f96c.zip and see if this works for you?
Yes, this version seems to open all the animation files without a problem, with or without onion skins/selections.
> It would be useful to understand why and how BallCrashTest.kra was able to
> crash 4.2.8 and later 4.3.0 prealpha builds if you can provided any more
> information about it.
No problem, just let me know what type of information I need to give out. I think I'll be using the nightly build for now, thanks helping me out.
Comment 11 Ahab Greybeard 2019-12-03 18:13:17 UTC
I was mistaken/confused about needing to turn off both the selection and the onions skins (your BallCrashTest did have a selection in it).

It seems it was the onion skins so thank you for confirming that.

I gave you the link for the Dec 03 nightly build but if you want the continuously updated build then you get it from https://binary-factory.kde.org/job/Krita_Nightly_Windows_Build/ (which is, strictly speaking, not recommended for normal daily use).

I'm puzzled as to why I can't make a crashing animation file by turning on onion skins in 4.2.8, saving and then reopening but that would be something for Tymond and the other developers to look into if they ever have the time.

Setting to RESOLVED FIXED (You can reopen this bug if the problem comes back).
Comment 12 Tiar 2019-12-03 21:53:14 UTC
Created attachment 124299 [details]
Animation file with onion skins enabled and SDTV PAL color space - crashes

It looks like the culprit is the color space that isn't in Krita by default.

I have two files, one with this SDTV PAL color space, one with sRGB (the same file as previously, but I converted color space to sRGB), and the first one crashes, the second one doesn't. It is for sure related to Dmitry's changes about color space for onion skins.

@antho I haven't push the commits to the stable version yet; please use 4.2.7 for now if you can (you can use the portable version if you want), when I stop working on this bug, you'll get a mail that it's fixed and the first new Krita Plus version from the website will contain the fixes.

I'm setting to Reopened because I'm still working on it, even if it doesn't crash now.
Comment 13 Tiar 2019-12-03 21:53:36 UTC
Created attachment 124300 [details]
Animation file with onion skins enabled and sRGB color space - doesn't crash
Comment 14 Dmitry Kazakov 2019-12-04 15:53:24 UTC
Hi, Tymond!

Your fix for bug 414668 fixes this bug correctly, I have checked that. There are no other hidden bugs left :)