SUMMARY Trimming the leading spaces can sometime lead to corrupt output. Test: input 'x^2' in sage Expected output: 2 x Actual output: 2 x
Sorry for delay. I don't understand, why your sage produce input like that. My sage 8.7 just produce "x^2".
Ah, right. You need to set '%display unicode_art' to see it
Git commit 11cddacfa1c89ba3a968c0ef3d9de0576a8136d7 by Nikita Sirgienko. Committed on 27/11/2019 at 10:29. Pushed by sirgienko into branch 'release/19.12'. [Sage] Fix bug with unsuitable space removing in sage output FIXED-IN: 19.12 M +0 -1 src/backends/sage/sageexpression.cpp