Bug 413031 - libdbusmenu-qt fails to update with kdesrc-build
Summary: libdbusmenu-qt fails to update with kdesrc-build
Alias: None
Product: kdesrc-build
Classification: Developer tools
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: Git
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Michael Pyne
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-10-16 12:10 UTC by Rahul Chowdhury
Modified: 2024-03-01 16:28 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Rahul Chowdhury 2019-10-16 12:10:41 UTC

1. Run kdesrc-build libdbusmenu-qt


Fails to update package with below error -
Building libdbusmenu-qt (1/1)
Unable to update libdbusmenu-qt! at /usr/local/kf5/share/kdesrc-build/modules/ksb/Updater/Bzr.pm line 51, <STDIN> line 1.
	ksb::Updater::Bzr::updateInternal(ksb::Updater::Bzr=HASH(0x318d5c8), ksb::IPC::Pipe=HASH(0x3129e18)) called at /usr/local/kf5/share/kdesrc-build/modules/ksb/Module.pm line 733
	eval {...} called at /usr/local/kf5/share/kdesrc-build/modules/ksb/Module.pm line 733
	ksb::Module::update(ksb::Module=HASH(0x30eef10), ksb::IPC::Pipe=HASH(0x3129e18), ksb::BuildContext=HASH(0x173f960)) called at /usr/local/kf5/share/kdesrc-build/modules/ksb/Application.pm line 1485
	ksb::Application::_handle_updates(ksb::IPC::Pipe=HASH(0x3129e18), ksb::BuildContext=HASH(0x173f960)) called at /usr/local/kf5/share/kdesrc-build/modules/ksb/Application.pm line 1746
	ksb::Application::_handle_async_build(ksb::IPC::Pipe=HASH(0x3183848), ksb::BuildContext=HASH(0x173f960)) called at /usr/local/kf5/share/kdesrc-build/modules/ksb/Application.pm line 812
	ksb::Application::runAllModulePhases(ksb::Application=HASH(0x2902b90)) called at /usr/local/kf5/bin/kdesrc-build line 367
	eval {...} called at /usr/local/kf5/bin/kdesrc-build line 363
Error updating libdbusmenu-qt, removing from list of packages to build.
 > 1
	Unable to update libdbusmenu-qt, build canceled.


Should update and build/install as expected.

Linux/KDE Plasma: Ubuntu 16
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 
KDE Frameworks Version: 
Qt Version: 5.12.5



# kdesrc-build running: 'bzr' 'pull'
# from directory: /home/rahul.c/kde/src/libdbusmenu-qt
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/rahul.c/kde/src/libdbusmenu-qt/.bzr/branch/": location is a repository.
Comment 1 Michael Pyne 2019-11-09 21:43:36 UTC
Thanks for including the error.log. I've just tried it with recent kdesrc-build and bzr 2.7.0, and my output was:


# kdesrc-build running: 'bzr' 'pull'                                                                                   
# from directory: /kdesrc/src/kf5/libdbusmenu-qt                                                                       
Using saved parent location: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dbusmenu-team/libdbusmenu-qt/trunk/                          
No revisions or tags to pull.

If I try forcibly removing the source directory for libdbusmenu-qt before running kdesrc-build, kdesrc-build is able to succeed at checking out libdbusmenu-qt, with output of:


# kdesrc-build running: 'bzr' 'branch' 'lp:libdbusmenu-qt' '/kdesrc/src/kf5/libdbusmenu-qt'                            
# from directory: /kdesrc/src/kf5/sysadmin/repo-metadata                                                               
You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to                                                
write to Launchpad or access private data.  See "bzr help launchpad-login".                                            
Branched 271 revisions.                                                                                                

Although the process is run from the wrong directory (sysadmin/repo-metadata) the full destination path is still passed to bzr so the operation still succeeds.

At this point I would recommend completely deleting the existing source directory and trying again. I think bzr itself is throwing an error and that seems like the fastest potential option to unstick it.
Comment 2 Rahul Chowdhury 2020-01-16 10:45:35 UTC
(In reply to Michael Pyne from comment #1)
> Thanks for including the error.log. I've just tried it with recent
> kdesrc-build and bzr 2.7.0, and my output was:
> libdbusmenu-qt/bzr-pull.log
> ===========================
> # kdesrc-build running: 'bzr' 'pull'                                        
> # from directory: /kdesrc/src/kf5/libdbusmenu-qt                            
> Using saved parent location:
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dbusmenu-team/libdbusmenu-qt/trunk/            
> No revisions or tags to pull.
> If I try forcibly removing the source directory for libdbusmenu-qt before
> running kdesrc-build, kdesrc-build is able to succeed at checking out
> libdbusmenu-qt, with output of:
> libdbusmenu-qt/bzr-branch.log
> =============================
> # kdesrc-build running: 'bzr' 'branch' 'lp:libdbusmenu-qt'
> '/kdesrc/src/kf5/libdbusmenu-qt'                            
> # from directory: /kdesrc/src/kf5/sysadmin/repo-metadata                    
> You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to     
> write to Launchpad or access private data.  See "bzr help launchpad-login". 
> Branched 271 revisions.                                                     
> Although the process is run from the wrong directory
> (sysadmin/repo-metadata) the full destination path is still passed to bzr so
> the operation still succeeds.
> At this point I would recommend completely deleting the existing source
> directory and trying again. I think bzr itself is throwing an error and that
> seems like the fastest potential option to unstick it.

Sorry for a delayed response, I have tried removing the source/build directories and trying from scratch, but it keeps failing no matter what. Does the bzr update work on other systems?
Comment 3 Steffen 2020-05-30 12:55:01 UTC
try to start kdesrc-build with LANG=C
bzr and python2.7  have problems with some language settings
Comment 4 Andrew Shark 2024-03-01 16:28:53 UTC
The libdbusmenu-qt is no longer built, see https://invent.kde.org/sdk/kdesrc-build/-/commit/e53e103cd25ed68e57f26d91070b62b0763ba6ec