SUMMARY Autosave does not work if project is placed in directory with long path to that directory, especially if it contains national alphabet characters. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Create directory '/tmp/Поддержка национальных алфавитов? Слишком сложно!' 2. Save project there as "project.kdenlive" 3. Fiddle with project a bit to let Kdenlive notice that there are unsaved changes that might be lost OBSERVED RESULT You will every minute or so get error message "Cannot create autosave file $HOME/.local/share/stalefiles/kdenlive/VERYLONGSTRING" EXPECTED RESULT Well, user should not be pestered with error messages. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Linux/KDE Plasma: KDE Plasma Version: 5.16.5 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.61.0 Qt Version: 5.13.1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION According to my tests autosave file is named by pattern "$hash" + "$url_encoded_path_to_project_dir" + "$a_bit_more_chars". These scheme easily produces really long filenames! Because filenames under GNU/Linux has to fit in 255 bytes, scheme leads to inability to save file and error messages. This is especially common problem if one uses national characters in directory path. For instance russian "Я" becomes "%D0%AF" - 6 bytes, 3x times more than it takes in original directory path, where project resides.
Thanks for your report. This is in fact a bug in KAutoSaveFile, part of KDE's framework KCoreAddons. It doesn't correctly limit the autosave filename to 255 characters, as imposed by most file systems. I will propose a patch for that soon.
Proposed patch is here:
Git commit 46e464d85767603b5f2e53d95d40113de1b2fd42 by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 13/12/2019 at 15:04. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'master'. Fix KAutoSaveFile broken on long path Differential revision: M +32 -12 src/lib/io/kautosavefile.cpp