SUMMARY no information is provided to find A) a compiled version of kMyMoney for the Mac; or B) simple complete instructions on how to compile your software for a non-Unix programmer. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. goto On the right click DOWNLOAD, find pc versions. Wonder WTF. 2. hit back arrow. select MACOS under preview versions. Wonder WTF? 3. ht back arrow. click on 4.7.2 for your Mac under macport. Download macports. Find no documentation on what it is or how to use it: all documentation assumes you already know. 4. find another site that has a tar file to download (sourceforge). Download and decompress files. Wonder why you have to do all this work, when the pc version downloads and runs, just like a normal program, not a f...g project. 5. read the README files. discover they too are written for unix programmers. open Terminal. type in a few of the commands. get "program not found". Quit in frustration. OBSERVED RESULT find a sludge of files, none of which run as kMyMoney. EXPECTED RESULT Find a usable alternative to Quicken. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Windows: macOS: 10.14.6 Linux/KDE Plasma: (available in About System) KDE Plasma Version: KDE Frameworks Version: Qt Version: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION