Created attachment 122878 [details] backtrace SUMMARY When Krita is started and the welcome page appears, there is a "Reset Rotation" button visible in the bottom left corner of the status bar. If the button is clicked, Krita crashes. When a file is opened and then closed, the button disappears. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Start Krita 2. While still on the welcome page, click the 3. segfault
I can confirm this for the #634 Sep 26 4.3.0-prealpha (git 3330d7e) appimage. It is not present in the previous nightly build. When I open a file or create a new file, the button stays and is then moved to be to the right of the selection indicator button and it does wwork to reset rotation.
Git commit 096bf2551da1fbeeceb689d6e8a870e66bf40213 by Boudewijn Rempt. Committed on 28/09/2019 at 07:43. Pushed by rempt into branch 'master'. Hide reset rotation button when there is no image open M +5 -1 libs/ui/