SUMMARY Users may inadvertently exhaust remaining space on their local disks by enabling logging from the focus module; rather than simply logging plain text information, the focus module checks the focus logging option to see if it should store the FITS files recorded during autofocus to (~/.local/share/kstars/autofocus). This is not obvious and with high-resolution cameras can consume a large quantity of disk space without warning (easily gigabytes per night of imaging). STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Go to Ekos -> Logs -> Check "Focus" 2. Autofocus 3. Files present in .local/share/kstars/autofocus OBSERVED RESULT Several gigabytes of FITS files stored EXPECTED RESULT Several kilobytes of log data stored SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Not relevant. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I'd argue that debug logging of actual frames used in autofocus might be best left as a separate option in the focus module. Users who wish to leave their logging set to verbose for normal operation (for instance, to aid in debugging a crash or other faults) would also need to empty the folder frequently. At minimum, a warning next to the focus module's checkbox might not be a bad idea.
Git commit fab755ffe257d5e2e1c6c7004f4b8dd2063aa6b9 by Jasem Mutlaq. Committed on 15/09/2019 at 06:47. Pushed by mutlaqja into branch 'master'. Add option to save focus frames. Warn about storage space. FIXED-IN:3.3.7 M +11 -0 kstars/ekos/auxiliary/opslogs.ui M +1 -1 kstars/ekos/focus/focus.cpp M +4 -0 kstars/kstars.kcfg