The OK button has the O accelerator and Alt-O highlights the button, but does not press it. Using Ctrl-Return works fine.
Seems to be a kirigami design issue. The MnemonicAttached class does not/can not check whether an accelerator is already used by the QWidget world, which results in duplicates. In this case it's either "P&ositioning" or "&Order" as duplicate.
I think i'll try to detect if we are in a QQuickWidget. in this case i'll disable completely the automatic computation of shortcuts
Git commit 32d724f2b68c2e2386a1d27c654bcf6530bdf07e by Marco Martin. Committed on 03/10/2019 at 12:02. Pushed by mart into branch 'master'. don't generate shortcuts in QQuickWidget if our qml scene is inside qwidgets: we can't check our automatic shortcuts aren't conflicting with the ones from qwidgets only use the ones the user explicitly specified with & in this case M +18 -8 src/mnemonicattached.cpp M +1 -1 src/mnemonicattached.h