Bug 411691 - Only happens in Opensuse 15.1 in most games the cards will only autodrop a few, and then it stops., often crashes when Yukon is selected
Summary: Only happens in Opensuse 15.1 in most games the cards will only autodrop a fe...
Alias: None
Product: kpat
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 23.04.3
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Stephan Kulow
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-09-07 23:36 UTC by Brad
Modified: 2023-07-12 06:35 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 2025
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description Brad 2019-09-07 23:36:56 UTC
Only in Opensuse 15.1 (occurs on all 4 of my machines with this OS)
When it is supposed to "autodrop" or autocollect in Freecell or Klondike, it will bring up a few cards then stop.  Manually bring up a few cards, then it does a few automatically and then stops again.

1. Use Opensuse 15.1 (does not happen in Opensuse 15.0)
2. Kpat 3.6
3. Select Freecell
4. Play game



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Comment 1 Albert Astals Cid 2019-09-14 16:59:54 UTC
This seems as something we already fixed.

Can you try using kpat from our "nightly experimental" flatpak and see if you can reproduce the problem?

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists kdeapps --from https://distribute.kde.org/kdeapps.flatpakrepo
flatpak install kdeapps org.kde.kpat
flatpak run org.kde.kpat
Comment 2 Bug Janitor Service 2019-09-29 04:33:06 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

If you have already provided the requested information, please
mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is
ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 3 Bug Janitor Service 2019-10-14 04:33:12 UTC
This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 4 Anton Aylward 2020-01-02 15:44:05 UTC
The description might be simplistic but it is accurate.
This needs fixing.
Autodrop is not working as it dd in past versions.
Comment 5 Albert Astals Cid 2020-01-02 18:28:52 UTC
I need an answer on comment #1
Comment 6 Anton Aylward 2020-01-02 20:24:58 UTC
(In reply to Albert Astals Cid from comment #1)
> This seems as something we already fixed.
> Can you try using kpat from our "nightly experimental" flatpak and see if
> you can reproduce the problem?
> flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
> https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
> flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists kdeapps --from
> https://distribute.kde.org/kdeapps.flatpakrepo
> flatpak install kdeapps org.kde.kpat
> flatpak run org.kde.kpat

Unable to install on my OpenSuse 15.1
That is not recognized as a repesitory.

# zypper addrepo  https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo flatpack
Adding repository 'flathub' .............................................................[done]
Repository 'flathub' successfully added

URI         : https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
Enabled     : Yes                                         
GPG Check   : Yes                                         
Autorefresh : No                                          
Priority    : 99 (default priority)                       

main:/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d # zypper install --from flatpack kpat
Error building the cache:
[flatpack|https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo] Valid metadata not found at specified URL
Warning: Skipping repository 'flathub' because of the above error.

That seems to be a file if unknown type and not a repository when
I try browsing that directly 
and trying to see what else is at 
gets a "403 Forbidden" response.
Comment 7 Albert Astals Cid 2020-01-02 22:51:03 UTC
Can you use the actual commands and not zypper?
Comment 8 Anton Aylward 2020-01-03 00:07:28 UTC
On 02/01/2020 17:51, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=411691
> --- Comment #7 from Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org> ---
> Can you use the actual commands and not zypper?

Yes, after researching and finding out what 'flatpak' is I installed that with
zypper and then ran the text you stated.
I required a lot to be loaded, even on top of the flatpak environment, and after
3/4 hour even the first 500Mb wasn't yet loaded.  Not a wonderful server!
All this just to install a test version of a 1/2M program.

This seems to be a resource-heavy way of going about it.  It seems to demand an
whole new execution environment.  it seems a very heavy way of developing &
testing compared to what I've been doing the past couple of decades.

If the patches are available as a delta I can apply them to my distribution
source.  SUSE has good tool for that.  I can define a personal repository and
let other SUSE users test and verify and then push upstream to the rolling release.

All without the heavyweight you're asking of me to simply test what you COULD
have pushed out at a RPM or source package that I could compile myself.

Sorry, this is too heavy for me.  There are so many simpler, lighter, long
established ways of testing patches for me to follow this route.
Comment 9 Albert Astals Cid 2020-01-03 21:37:41 UTC
If you want to compile the kpat tarballs noone is stopping you. I just gave you an effortless way to try.
Comment 10 Anton Aylward 2020-01-04 15:17:21 UTC
I installed the kpat from the OpenSUSE 15.0 repository on my `15.1 system and it is working perfectly.  the proof lies in the different functionality.

I will download the 15.0 and 15.1 sources and do a diff to see what has changed, even though they are both reporting 'version 3.6'.

Installing flatpack, installing the execution & development environment, downloading all the stuff required just to run their version of kpat is non-trivial and far removed from the basic tools that have been around since the days of UNIX, and are adequate to the side-by-side testing.

I'll report on that in due course.
Comment 11 Albert Astals Cid 2020-01-04 17:51:21 UTC
> I installed the kpat from the OpenSUSE 15.0 repository on my `15.1 system and it is working perfectly.  the proof lies in the different functionality.

This is useless, you're going to compare very very old version with very old version. Please test a up to date version instead first.
Comment 12 Bug Janitor Service 2020-01-19 04:33:12 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

If you have already provided the requested information, please
mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is
ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 13 Bug Janitor Service 2020-02-03 04:33:17 UTC
This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 14 qusai 2023-07-12 06:33:25 UTC