Users are not able to browse rar files using the return key (it works for other files: 7z, zip, etc.) At least in Kubuntu 18.04: rar files can not be browsed using the return key, if return is pressed then Krusader launches Ark (instead of browsing the rar file).
There's a proposed solution in
Git commit e229f9ba7301e529aebf7262bb717be5d914d2fa by Toni Asensi Esteve. Committed on 15/09/2019 at 16:21. Pushed by asensi into branch 'master'. Identify the "application/vnd.rar" MIME type in order to allow some operations In order to solve [Users are not able to browse rar files using Return (although it works for 7z, zip files, etc.)](, the Internet Media Type "application/vnd.rar" is recognized in `KrArcBaseManager::getShortTypeFromMime(const QString &mime)`. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In <> the type of rar files is "application/x-rar-compressed", but in the aforementioned page it's also declared that IANA is the official registry of MIME media types and maintains a [list of all the official MIME types]( and precisely in that place what it's stated is "application/vnd.rar", with a link to where it's written 1. Deprecated alias names for this type: application/x-rar-compressed Note: "application/vnd.rar" is already used in Krusader, in `KrServices::generateKrarcArchiveMimetypes()`. The text "application/x-rar;application/x-rar-compressed;application/vnd.rar" can be searched in In Kubuntu 18.04 I executed: $ xdg-mime query default application/x-rar org.kde.ark.desktop $ xdg-mime query default application/x-rar-compressed org.kde.ark.desktop $ xdg-mime query default application/vnd.rar org.kde.ark.desktop $ xdg-mime query default application/vnd.JUST_TO_CHECK_THAT_IT_CAN_FAIL; echo $? 4 Several people had a similar problem when using other programs ( , FIXED: [ 411330 ] Users are not able to browse rar files using Return (although it works for 7z, zip files, etc.) Differential Revision: M +1 -1 krArc/krarc.protocol M +6 -1 krArc/krarcbasemanager.cpp M +5 -0 krusader/krservices.cpp