Application: plasmashell (5.16.4) (Compiled from sources) Qt Version: 5.12.2 Frameworks Version: 5.61.0 Operating System: FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT amd64 Distribution (Platform): FreeBSD Ports -- Information about the crash: Plasma was not startable at all, it crashed right now the grafic driver (drm-current not providable) should do shimmering into plasmashell it suddenly hung up - so I used the XFCE-compisitor and did a "use plasma-desktop" in the autostart. So I could change settings for kwin_x11. Now from sddm-login-screen everything is fine (variety said, widget locked, but they are not) but not starting plasmashell at all; systemmonitor worked already and a Alt+F2 and kstart5 plasmashell could recover desktop with widget. Now Plasma5 is crashing frequently I think because of the i915 driver. Got new-world and make kernel -j4, took me a week or so to create it. wlan0 works now out of the box at a Dell Vostro 3550, I removed the HyperV-supervisor and we have to do compatibility to KMS as bhyve is still under heavy development. llvm-devel and X -configure: no way to get a grafical WM working! A grafical root login is to be discused? The crash can be reproduced every time. -- Backtrace: A useful backtrace could not be generated Possible duplicates by query: bug 411221, bug 411208, bug 411174, bug 411089, bug 411087. Reported using DrKonqi
>use plasma-desktop plasma-desktop doesn't exist in Plasma5. If there is a crash I want a backtrace. run "gdb plasmashell" from your session to spawn it. wait for a crash then type "thread apply all bt"
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