KMyMoney 5.0.80-c3570cc under Changes stands: "Raise minimum required version of AqBanking" "To be able to support this process KMyMoney requires a newer version of AqBanking which has been released lately." So the current version 5.7.8 does not work anymore. Have tried the Community version of home: mgoppold: tests 5.8.0beta installed. Also this version was not recognized by KMyMoney-5.0.80-c3570cc. Is there something in the "poison kitchen" of the developers? greetings Udo
The current 5.7.8 will still work until sometime in September as has been reported by various users (also to GnuCash and other applications). To be on the safe side we make sure to send the necessary information. The logic is only provided by AqBanking >= 5.8.0, hence the update.