SUMMARY this bug related to bug 313018 & bug 396735 . in dolphin section 'device' i have a device (disk) which do not make part of my fstab file but make part of the same Hard-Drive (the one of my laptop). if i want that kdf show me this device, i must to update my fstab file and i do not want. in order to mount the device i have to open dolphin, mount it and after that kdf/kwikdisk can show me it quickly if i set a short sync time. So why kdf/kwikdisk can't show me this device contrary to dolphin? so as to gain time i sets kwikdisk in the miniature box/quick access. but how can i mount my device in kdf/kwikdisk (settings) if this one is not show? STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. note unmount device showed in dophin but not in kdf/kwikdisk OBSERVED RESULT always EXPECTED RESULT Kdiskfree keeps showing an unmounted device add settings, to control showing device. thereby we could remove device like snap or make device unmounted be showed persistent. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION