Bug 409821 - Color Selector disappears / invalid color if attempting to type in colors in 32bit float depth mode
Summary: Color Selector disappears / invalid color if attempting to type in colors in ...
Alias: None
Product: krita
Classification: Applications
Component: Color Selectors (show other bugs)
Version: 4.2.2
Platform: Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Krita Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-07-15 13:58 UTC by kram.fama
Modified: 2019-09-22 10:49 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

buggy swatch when triggering the bug (top swatch is invalid color) (926 bytes, image/png)
2019-09-21 18:35 UTC, kram.fama
visual shape selector doesn't update correctly (61.87 KB, image/png)
2019-09-21 18:38 UTC, kram.fama
What visual shape selector should look like for example color (92.22 KB, image/png)
2019-09-21 18:40 UTC, kram.fama

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Description kram.fama 2019-07-15 13:58:43 UTC

In the color selector you get when clicking one of the two swatches for your current colors, if you are in 32bit float depth mode and type a number into any of the fields, the color picker will disappear and, if you press ok, the corresponding swatch will go transparent.

It happens as soon as you press a number key other than 0

This persists if you click in the area the color picker would appear in (values in the fields change but the picker remains invisible and the swatch won't fix itself) or if you arbitrarily change your working color space or bit depth.

It goes away as soon as you click on a preset color swatch or change the color using the color picker tool.

In any other bit depths (including 16 bit float) input works as intended

This is independent of chosen color space

1. open new file with 32bit depth
2. click on swatch for current color
3. in any field, type any number other than 0.00


Color selector disappears, color becomes invalid


Color changes to the specified color


 Version: 4.2.2
 Languages: de, en_US
 Hidpi: true


  Version (compiled): 5.12.4
  Version (loaded): 5.12.4

OS Information

  Build ABI: x86_64-little_endian-llp64
  Build CPU: x86_64
  CPU: x86_64
  Kernel Type: winnt
  Kernel Version: 10.0.17763
  Pretty Productname: Windows 10 (10.0)
  Product Type: windows
  Product Version: 10
Comment 1 wolthera 2019-09-21 15:32:07 UTC
I cannot reproduce this in current master, but this might be due the fixed Lynx3d did. Can you check the latest build whenever you have the chance? And if you can still reproduce give a bit more information?
Comment 2 kram.fama 2019-09-21 18:35:03 UTC
Created attachment 122786 [details]
buggy swatch when triggering the bug (top swatch is invalid color)
Comment 3 kram.fama 2019-09-21 18:38:34 UTC
Created attachment 122787 [details]
visual shape selector doesn't update correctly
Comment 4 kram.fama 2019-09-21 18:40:44 UTC
Created attachment 122788 [details]
What visual shape selector should look like for example color
Comment 5 kram.fama 2019-09-21 18:56:52 UTC
I have now updated to Krita version 4.3.0-prealpha (git 5f783c4)

The precise behavior appears to have changed now, but still persists.

Let me go through my first report point for point:

> n the color selector you get when clicking one of the two swatches for your current colors, if you are in 32bit float depth mode and type a number into any of the fields, the color picker will disappear

By "color picker" I meant the visual shape selector. It no longer disappears.

> the corresponding swatch will go transparent.

This still happens. (See attached file "Buggy Swatch [...]")

> This persists if you click in the area the color picker would appear in 

That is no longer the case: Now that the visual shape selector no longer disappears, clicking anywhere inside it will fix this problem.

Now for the new stuff:

The visual color selector displays the color you manually type into the fields incorrectly. How exactly is unclear and inconsistent.

See the attachment "visual shape selector doesn't update correctly" as an example. Note, the preview color on the bottom appears to actually be fully transparent. (Same as what happens in the swatch which updates to the same "color") - just for extra clarity, I also attached a third file for how the same typed-in color is actually supposed to look like (achieved by typing in the same values in other locations such as the Specific Color Selector)

This happens whenever I type anything into the fields in 32bit float depth.

On my first test in this new version, I briefly also found a secondary way to trigger the same issue but I can't reproduce that for now:

If you use the color picker from inside the Select a Color window (rather than the one from the tool bar), sometimes the same issue seems to arise. I'm not sure when exactly though.

I hope that helps. Do you need any more information?
Comment 6 kram.fama 2019-09-21 19:00:23 UTC
Oh I should add: The buggy color behaves exactly as if it were completely transparent. It even shows up that way in the gradient preview
Comment 7 Bug Janitor Service 2019-09-22 04:33:08 UTC
Thanks for your comment!

Automatically switching the status of this bug to REPORTED so that the KDE team
knows that the bug is ready to get confirmed.

In the future you may also do this yourself when providing needed information.
Comment 8 wolthera 2019-09-22 10:49:37 UTC
Lynx3d made a fix in https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita/commit/f5dd77bf83aebe7eeb34a1fc17547f9df167df8d

It should be fixed in the latest nightly tomorrow.