Sometimes I accidentally click the taskbar icons triggering an application to launch. In Windows I had through 7+Taskbar the option to make the taskbar items open with double click, it was nice.
So what would single-click do? Nothing?
Single click can still focus open applications. Double click to launch them.
Thanks. Over to the Task Manager maintainer to see if this is something we'd want to consider.
But it should give feedback of any kind when the application was not already running if you click once. Clicking an icon and getting no feedback is bad user experience. What does Window show when you clicked once?
Sounds messy. A double click action always invokes the single click action first. You can't put double click on a mousearea where the single click action performs an actionable task.
Windows (through the third party 7+Taskbar program) showed no feedback on single click, it just ignored it. Unless the application was open, then it showed/focused it. Not sure why it wouldn't be doable. Dolphin can be configured to open folders with single or double click for instance.