(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: konqueror Version: KDE 3.0.0 Severity: wishlist Installed from: Mandrake RPMs Compiler: Not Specified OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: Not Specified This is a feature request. The problem scenario is common web browsing. You start on a page. You see links to other pages. You want to mark interesting links for further perusal after you're done reading the page. You have two choices on most OSes currently: either bookmark the link or middle-click to pop-up the link in a new window which you send to the back and get to later. The first causes bookmark management problems because you don't neccessarily want to permanently save the bookmark. The second is a problem in three ways: (1) if your browser crashes it takes all of those pages with it (2) it is heavy on memory and CPU resources and (3) net access can slow to a crawl as more pages are popped up. This problem is compounded as you continue to browse since every link you want to follow could potentially generate another X links you want to investigate. My solution is an addition to the sidebar in Konqueror that manages short-term links. When the user finds a link they want to investigate later they drag the link to the sidebar. The link is appended to the bottom of the list and the list is saved in case the browser crashes. When the user finishes with the page they're viewing they select a link from the short-term sidebar. The link is loaded into the browser window and is automatically removed from the list. If the user wants to make a permanent bookmark they do so with the regular bookmarking mechanism. A further improvement to this would be to have the sidebar automatically pre-load the first N bookmarks (N being configurable -- modem users could set it to 2 T1 users to infinity). This allows immediate viewing of the page (from the user's point of view) without swamping the internet connection. When you're evaluating this request please try to think about how you browse the web. Take Slashdot as a starting point. You can easily lose links you want to visit with no "mark-for-later-investigation" mechanism or you end up with thirty or so windows popped up at the same time. My wife drags-and-drops links into an email to herself and browses off the email. I think this is probably a common situation on ALL browsing platforms and I think it would be a killer feature for Konqueror. Thank you for looking at this. I wish I could help out more. (Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
just moving the bug, but maybe kdeaddons/konq-plugins/crashes is of use to you (you'll need cvs), it always viewing the urls that last crashed in konqueror, well, i use it in any case :) Alex
This sounds like a great idea. I browse the web a lot using the keyboard, so waving over a link/tabbing to a link then hitting a key to move it into the 'investigate further' list would be great. I originally intended to file a wish to be able to move over/tab to a link then hit shift (or some modifier key or something), to queue the page for preloading/precaching, so that the html and maybe some images for the page (perhaps just the static content) could be populated in the cache in the background while I was reading the current page. I can imagine this making a difference for people with slow, flatrate connections (or fast connections, but connecting to slow servers) and relatively modern systems. Integrating preloading/precaching and a keystroke 'mark-this-link' into the above wish would satisfy my needs. If I should file preloading/precaching into a separate wish, let me know.
The notes from bug 57986 point to an alternative method similar to what you've described; I think pulling ideas from your description above and this alternative method would be productive. I think your issues are better solved with an approach different from the current usage of tabs, instead using entries in the sidebar showing title, thumbnail of tabs in a relational order, see: http://lists.kde.org/?t=105921877600002
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 57986 ***