Created attachment 119863 [details] screenshot of dig. clock showing time zone although option not selected The digital clock shows the local time zone although this option is not selected (see attached screenshot).
The timezone will still show if the clock is displaying a fixed timezone instead of the non local one. Please include a screenshot of the "timezones" tab and confirm only the topmost checkbox is ticked.
Created attachment 119865 [details] screenshot: timezone, system time, digital-clock-time Alright, the screenshot shows what I get if only UTC is selected: the timezone in parentheses is gone but as you can see the digital clock is two hours behind local time. When I select "Berlin" *only*, the time is right but "(CEST)" is shown.
So we're not reading your local timezone correctly. That will cause other issues and is the issue that needs rectifying. How did you set it? Can I see the output of: timedatectl show
(In reply to David Edmundson from comment #3) > So we're not reading your local timezone correctly. > > That will cause other issues and is the issue that needs rectifying. > > How did you set it? The time is set via a script in /etc/sysconfig. The hw-clock *is* set to UTC. > > Can I see the output of: timedatectl show "timedatectl show" is systemd, I guess? I'm a bit retro in this respect, so I think the equivalent on my system would be: sudo hwclock --show 2019-05-06 15:26:00.264926+0200 At that time the digital clock stood at 15:26 (CEST).
What's relevant is where the symlink /etc/localtime points to.
(In reply to David Edmundson from comment #5) > What's relevant is where the symlink /etc/localtime points to. OK, my bad - /etc/localtime didn't point anywhere. Creating the symlink to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin put things right. The setting of "Show local timezone" is being respected now. Thanks a lot! And I hope I didn't take too much of your time.
no problem