When you are in the album view and in the correct directory, the pictures are displayed as icons. When I want to display one of them bigger, I have to click them with the mouse when the mouse pointer hovers over it. Can this also happen by pressing the return key?
If the focus is in icon-view not album tree-view, press enter open file in editor or switch in preview mode, depending of DK settings. Gilles Caulier
Where can I change this setting? I was unable to find it...
I register a problem with the Enter key if no mouse click with the left mouse button has been made. The QMouseEvent pointer is not saved yet. I fix it tonight. Maik
Git commit 26102616c87819d90afdf4fa290684f89c569ab6 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 07/05/2019 at 10:41. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. fix press return key in the icon view FIXED-IN: 6.2.0 M +2 -1 NEWS M +21 -11 core/libs/widgets/itemview/itemviewcategorized.cpp https://invent.kde.org/kde/digikam/commit/26102616c87819d90afdf4fa290684f89c569ab6
When I press the enter key in digikam-6.2.0-git-20190613T125237-qtwebkit-x86-64.appimage, nothing happens
Works fine here with AppImage. The icon list view must have the focus. Maik
It does nothing. I double checked that the digikam window has the focus, and exactly one picture is selected. The F4 key (start to process the picture) works. Update: It only works with the enter key on the numeric keyboard that I never use, but not with usual return key right of the letter keys.
It works here under openSUSE with both the Return and the Enter key. A test with the Windows version on a real Windows machine also shows no malfunction, both buttons open the preview. Maik