Let's say I sort my messages by date and I select a message with the subject "Bike parts". Then I'd like to see all the messages with the subject bikes parts I might reasoanably expect to do this by pressing the subject header to sort by subject and find the current message (most recent "bike parts") still selected and all the other bike parts message adjacent to this in the list. Problem is that is not what happens. I select my message and when I press on subject to sort by subject the list sorts by subject but the email selected changes to something else (say "TV dinners"). The weird thing is I get the same "TV dinners" message no matter how I sort or whatever the email select was. This particular special email (TV dinners) changes slowly over time (it's not always TV dinners - I suspect it changes on reboots or after new mail has arrived or something) but otherwise it is always this same email and not the one I was reading before I resorted. It's quite annoying, especially if you have large mail boxes. I'm using "new aggregation / classic view"