Bonjour, Dans la vue Albums > table > Note : les notes attribuées ne s'affichent pas (et c'est dommage car très utile ...!) Bien cordialement Yves Gwen
En fait, la note s'affiche bien mais alignée à droite et se confond avec la colonne juxtaposé ...
Did you have a Rating column from tab view ? If not, click with right button from tab header and add the right column. Else, please take a screenshot of the problem. Gilles Caulier
All columns from tabs view header are resizable. Just make a try... Gilles Caulier
Hum the problem is reproducible everywhere, not only the appimage. Rating is well show in thumbnail view but do not appear un Tab view. Gilles
The rating is displayed in the table view. As text column with the decimal number of the rating. However, aligned to the right and that could indeed be confusing about with the right column. Maik
Git commit d5da598b1b0322864d0c50b48bc8f334d14404b6 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 24/03/2019 at 15:48. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. center the rating column for a better view FIXED-IN: 6.1.0 M +2 -1 NEWS M +1 -1 core/app/views/tableview/tableview_column_digikam.cpp