Bug 405690 - Album date changing automatically without any reason
Summary: Album date changing automatically without any reason
Alias: None
Product: digikam
Classification: Applications
Component: Albums-TreeView (show other bugs)
Version: 6.0.0
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Digikam Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-03-20 14:49 UTC by Yves Gwen
Modified: 2022-10-27 20:47 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 8.0.0
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description Yves Gwen 2019-03-20 14:49:28 UTC

Utilisateur de Digikam depuis quelques années, il y a une "bizarrerie" qui m'échappe !

Lors de l'importation des images, le nom du dossier et la date de l'album sont identiques 

dossier : yyyy-MM-dd-lieu

fichier : [date:"yyyy-MM-dd"]-lieu-#[e]

Date de l'album : identique au dossier

Donc, dans la vue "Albums" (la plus utilisée), les albums s'affichent chronologiquement, ce qui est très pratique.

Et pourtant, je remarque que la date de l'album se modifie (sans intervention directe de ma part) et cela de plusieurs années parfois ! 

("date created" et "digitization date" sont toujours correct dans les IPTC images)

Merci par avance de m'indiquer la marche à suivre pour corriger ce problème !


Comment 1 caulier.gilles 2019-03-20 15:01:17 UTC
I never seen this dysfunction in the past.

Typically the album dir is created on the disk, registered on database, and that all.. Without any change from you, digiKam will no change the album.

What do you mean by the "album date" ? The template string used to name album with time stamp ? The Date album properties which can be show in album properties dialog ?

Which system do you use ? AppIµmage bundle to run digiKam ? Which kind of database ?

Gilles Caulier
Comment 2 caulier.gilles 2020-07-31 11:24:41 UTC
digiKam 7.0.0 stable release is now published:


We need a fresh feedback on this file using this version.

Best Regards

Gilles Caulier
Comment 3 caulier.gilles 2022-01-09 22:22:13 UTC
Hi and happy new year,

Can you check if problem remain with digiKam 7.5.0 pre-release bundle available
here :


Thanks in advance

Gilles Caulier
Comment 4 Maik Qualmann 2022-10-27 20:47:46 UTC
In current digiKam versions we have an option in the digiKam settings that controls the updating of the album date. The automatic updating of the album date can also be deactivated. Remember, we are talking about the album date in the database of digiKam, it may differ from the real folder date.
