SUMMARY Some untranslatable strings exists in dolphin these strings missing from pot file. Unfinished of mixed translation formats, ignored by gettext Example: 322 ~ 352 line of placesitemodeltest.cpp : QStringLiteral("*******") and not i18nc("....") Affected versions around after 18.x The attached picture lang is hungarian, with mixed english words
Created attachment 118347 [details] Untransaltable strings on UI
Are you sure? These strings are properly translated here. Both of them come from KIO, however. KFilePlacesModel (context KFile System Bookmarks) for the Recently Saved entries and KIO::pasteActionText
Thanks, I will double check in kio translation as well. Just i see, in dolphin.po these disabled strings on the end of the file
The Recently saved stuff used to be in Dolphin a few versions back and then got moved into KIO.
really, thank you for your suggestion, the kio full translation solved Dolphin untranslated strings question