KDE Frameworks Version: 5.55 Qt Version: 5.12.1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Can it be because it is supposed to start with kstart5 but that doesn't work (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=403965) What log should I provide? Also, this bug might also be present on Xorg, but plasmashell doesn't crash there for me.
>Can it be because it is supposed to start with kstart5 but that doesn't work It is not. Relevant log is: ~/.local/share/sddm/wayland-session.log Please also start plasmashell from krunner (alt + space) and see if there's a crash icon.
So plasmashell crashed just now, so I openned krunner and found out I have disabled this option for starting anything from krunner. So I proceded to krunner settings where I enabled something like 'command line'. After applying settings krunner crashed. No warning or anything just Alt+Space stoped working, so I had to start krunner manually in konsole. Then I started plasmashell from krunner and after plasmashell started, there weren't any messages about any crashes (neither the krunner crash). My wayland-session.log: https://pastebin.com/B4whvrx3
Today plasmashell crashed and there was a notification about that so this might be fixed.
\o/ Please reopen if it comes back