Bug 404246 - Data loss - Lost frames if you add many holds to a range of frames
Summary: Data loss - Lost frames if you add many holds to a range of frames
Alias: None
Product: krita
Classification: Applications
Component: Animation (show other bugs)
Version: 4.1.7
Platform: Other Microsoft Windows
: NOR major
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Krita Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-02-12 16:06 UTC by Bollebib
Modified: 2019-04-01 23:30 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Bollebib 2019-02-12 16:06:46 UTC
18:04:54 - Bollebib: if you select a range of 20 frames
18:05:08 - Bollebib: and then increase HOLD FRAMES  by a large amount
18:05:21 - Bollebib: everything that would surpass the timeline that is visible
18:05:23 - Bollebib: gets deleted
18:17:10 - tiar: Bollebib: yeah I belive it is what happens

So select a range of 20 frames and attempt to add many hold frames

->everything the timeline doesnt auto-expand to fit those frames and they get lost in the void.
Comment 1 wolthera 2019-03-06 09:35:49 UTC
I cannot reproduce this in the nightly builds. I selected 8 hold frames, input 30, and that results in each of the frames getting a hold of 30 frames inbetween, going off the visible canvas.

Can you check again with the nightlies?
Comment 2 Bollebib 2019-03-13 13:08:05 UTC

tested in the current nightly

it still happens

I go over details in the video
Comment 3 Scott Petrovic 2019-04-01 23:30:30 UTC
Git commit e1be1dad8f0c5d2149338b818ce38a5326cfca16 by Scott Petrovic.
Committed on 01/04/2019 at 23:30.
Pushed by scottpetrovic into branch 'master'.

M  +1    -1    plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_model.h
M  +26   -0    plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_view.cpp
