In the code repo, there's a COPYING file with GPLv3: However the application shows it's GPLv2 for those checking the about dialog (Settings->About Discover), which shows what is defined at
- 'discover' and 'exporter' directories are LGPL v2 or later - 'libdiscover' and notifier' directories are GPL v2 or later - COPYING has GPLv3 text - COPYING.LIB has LGPLv2.1 text - About box shows GPLv2 This is messier than it looked. Thanks for the report, we'll investigate...
for just about every application the actual source licenses are not nearly reflected by the about dialog. what needs to happen to solve this properly is 1) have kaboutdata moved to a stringy spdx license definition 2) have kaboutdialog support spdx expressions and display them smartly 3) implement reuse compliance across the board 4) have an ecm module that can gather up all licenses of source files contributing to a target. 3 and 4 are probably just bonus.