Bug 403124 - Two kalarm resources fighting each other
Summary: Two kalarm resources fighting each other
Alias: None
Product: kalarm
Classification: Applications
Component: Akonadi (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: David Jarvie
: 392357 405313 410834 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-01-12 01:43 UTC by Stefanos Harhalakis
Modified: 2019-08-17 12:20 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 19.08.0
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description Stefanos Harhalakis 2019-01-12 01:43:55 UTC
It seems that I have two resources fighting each other. I noticed in akonadiconsole. It never stops:

AgentBase(akonadi_kalarm_resource_12): The file 'file:///home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics' was changed on disk. As a precaution, a backup of its previous contents has been created at 'file:///home/v13/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resource_12/template.ics-347'.
AgentBase(akonadi_kalarm_resource_22): The file 'file:///home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics' was changed on disk. As a precaution, a backup of its previous contents has been created at 'file:///home/v13/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resource_22/template.ics-349'.
AgentBase(akonadi_kalarm_resource_12): The file 'file:///home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics' was changed on disk. As a precaution, a backup of its previous contents has been created at 'file:///home/v13/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resource_12/template.ics-348'.
AgentBase(akonadi_kalarm_resource_22): The file 'file:///home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics' was changed on disk. As a precaution, a backup of its previous contents has been created at 'file:///home/v13/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resource_22/template.ics-350'.
AgentBase(akonadi_kalarm_resource_12): The file 'file:///home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics' was changed on disk. As a precaution, a backup of its previous contents has been created at 'file:///home/v13/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resource_12/template.ics-349'.
AgentBase(akonadi_kalarm_resource_22): The file 'file:///home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics' was changed on disk. As a precaution, a backup of its previous contents has been created at 'file:///home/v13/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resource_22/template.ics-351'.
AgentBase(akonadi_kalarm_resource_12): The file 'file:///home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics' was changed on disk. As a precaution, a backup of its previous contents has been created at 'file:///home/v13/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resource_12/template.ics-350'.
AgentBase(akonadi_kalarm_resource_22): The file 'file:///home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics' was changed on disk. As a precaution, a backup of its previous contents has been created at 'file:///home/v13/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resource_22/template.ics-352'.
AgentBase(akonadi_kalarm_resource_12): The file 'file:///home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics' was changed on disk. As a precaution, a backup of its previous contents has been created at 'file:///home/v13/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resource_12/template.ics-351'.
AgentBase(akonadi_kalarm_resource_22): The file 'file:///home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics' was changed on disk. As a precaution, a backup of its previous contents has been created at 'file:///home/v13/.local/share/akonadi_kalarm_resource_22/template.ics-353'.
Comment 1 David Jarvie 2019-01-13 22:53:38 UTC
It looks as if the two resources are set up to use the same calendar file, /home/v13/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/template.ics. This shouldn't happen by default. Do you have any idea why this might have happened - have you ever, for example, added a template calendar manually in KAlarm?

You should be able to fix this by using Akonadi Console. The Agents tab presumably shows two resources which both use this calendar file (use Configure -> Natively to see which calendar file a resource uses). Simply right click on one of them and choose Remove Agent.
Comment 2 Stefanos Harhalakis 2019-01-13 23:49:50 UTC
I don't actually remember. It is possible that I created something or that one of the upgrades did it.

It was a funny failure mode though, even if it's not worth looking at.
Comment 3 David Jarvie 2019-07-20 00:12:53 UTC
An error message is now output if the user tries to create a new calendar resource which uses the same calendar file as an existing resource. This is implemented in commit fa92abbb60ac6b3518d07da5c50c401802cfd87c in the Applications/19.08 branch, and will be in the KDE Applications 19.08.0 release.

This fix will prevent the reported problem when it is due to user action. A further fix is required to rectify the problem if it occurs for other reasons.
Comment 4 David Jarvie 2019-07-26 22:42:26 UTC
KAlarm now checks at startup for duplicate resources (i.e. which use the same calendar file), and removes any that it finds. The only way that the situation which you report should now be able to arise is if a duplicate resource is manually created (e.g. with akonadiconsole) while KAlarm is running, in which case restarting KAlarm would fix it.

Fixed by commit b814c1a1f678b7585ec778e40b935690bcafe2d5, in KAlarm version 2.12.5, which will be in the KDE Applications 19.08.0 release.
Comment 5 David Jarvie 2019-07-29 13:31:42 UTC
*** Bug 392357 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 David Jarvie 2019-07-31 19:34:42 UTC
*** Bug 405313 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 David Jarvie 2019-08-17 12:20:30 UTC
*** Bug 410834 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***