Currently, to see at exit the list of detected errors and the used suppressions, a minimum verbosity of 2 has to be used. Such a verbosity causes a lot of messages not necessarily useful. So, implement a new option --show-error-list-suppression-counts=yes (-s is a synonym for this) to allow to see only the list of errors and the used suppressions.
Created attachment 117081 [details] Patch to implement --show-error-list-suppression-counts=yes
Second patch version adds the value 'auto' to ensure backward compatibility with the previous valgrind version: with --show-error-list-suppression-counts=auto, it is the verbosity that controls what to output, in a way similar to valgrind 3.14.
Created attachment 117124 [details] version 2, adding =auto value to have a backward compatibility with 3.14
This was discussed on irc. Summary is to go with the comment 1 patch, but with the following changes: * change the flag name to --show-error-list=no|yes, * change the hint message from For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v to For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s These changes will make it backwards compatible, and simple to explain. In particular: * output without -v or --show-error-list=yes is the same as currently * output with -v is the same as currently, with the exception of a change in a 1-line piece of hint text * output with --show-error-list=yes now includes the error and supp lists * output with -v --show-error-list=no is the same as -v, except with the error and supp lists removed.
Pushed in f3a3eadf36