Bug 401657 - Falkon AdBlock Works Without Sense
Summary: Falkon AdBlock Works Without Sense
Alias: None
Product: Falkon
Classification: Applications
Component: extensions (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: David Rosca
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-12-02 15:59 UTC by Alberto Díaz López
Modified: 2018-12-04 18:04 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Alberto Díaz López 2018-12-02 15:59:39 UTC

Using Falkon normally, the AdBlock extension behavior in general makes no sense, having, for example, to specify a lot of times that i don't wanna have it disabled for DuckDuckGo.

1. Open Falkon.
2. Make a search on DuckDuckGo with AdBlock activated.
3. See the ads.
4. Go to the extension basic config with a single click on the AdBlock icon to check the checkbox of disabling is checked.


The checkbox is checked even if i unchecked before.


The checkbox should be unchecked.

Linux/KDE Plasma: Linux 4.19.4
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: Plasma 5.14.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.52
Qt Version: 5.11.2

Comment 1 Alexander Browne 2018-12-02 21:38:55 UTC
You the AdBlock behavior in general makes no sense, but the only example is for DuckDuckGo. The code for this is here: <https://phabricator.kde.org/source/falkon/browse/master/src/lib/adblock/adblocksubscription.cpp$294>. It says

    DuckDuckGo ad whitelist rules
    They cannot be removed, but can be disabled.
    Please consider not disabling them. Thanks!
Comment 2 Felipe 2018-12-04 05:32:49 UTC
The embedded adblock must be a REALLY old version since there isnt the ability to right click on an ad or image to block it, plus it doesnt make ANY sense to load ALL the lists that were added to block when we go to the options' screen. NO Adblocker EVER does that. Also, several ads are blocked but the spaces arent removed as they should be.
Comment 3 Alberto Díaz López 2018-12-04 09:32:29 UTC
(In reply to Felipe from comment #2)
> The embedded adblock must be a REALLY old version since there isnt the
> ability to right click on an ad or image to block it, plus it doesnt make
> ANY sense to load ALL the lists that were added to block when we go to the
> options' screen. NO Adblocker EVER does that. Also, several ads are blocked
> but the spaces arent removed as they should be.

Totally agree. That's one of the worst things of Falkon for me. I'm expecting a new version of the software and hoping some of the bugs/issues will be fixed, cause if i want it as my daily and default web browser, the AdBlock must work perfectly fine, or at least don't make me mad. I read before that at GSOC a mate was working on the JS add-ons compatibility, i don't know if Chromium or Firefox or what, but it would be nice, i would love to can use the Mozilla add-ons repository, but since it uses QtWebEngine, and that's Chromium, i suppose that would be Chromium extensions, but anyway, that would be better to improve the amount of add-ons that can be used on it, like uBlock Origin, the best one for me in this category.
Comment 4 David Rosca 2018-12-04 10:03:07 UTC
This is all offtopic.

As Alexander Browne mentioned, you can disable those rules if you really don't want them.

And AdBlock extension is not "outdated" in Falkon, it is custom implementation so the version number has *nothing* in common with versions of Firefox/Chrome/... extensions.
Comment 5 Alberto Díaz López 2018-12-04 18:04:06 UTC
(In reply to David Rosca from comment #4)
> This is all offtopic.
> As Alexander Browne mentioned, you can disable those rules if you really
> don't want them.
> And AdBlock extension is not "outdated" in Falkon, it is custom
> implementation so the version number has *nothing* in common with versions
> of Firefox/Chrome/... extensions.

I see. Sorry about that. I'll check it out then.