Created attachment 116149 [details] test case The mysql export does not support exporting enums STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. start umbrello 2. open appended file 3. export to mysql code (select menu entry code->code generation wizard) 4. inspect generated mysql file OBSERVED RESULT The table columns having an enum type does not specify the enum literals. Instead there is only the enum type name exported e.g. tipo_empleado ENUM_1 NOT NULL DEFAULT 2, EXPECTED RESULT The export table columns having an enum type should generate something like this tipo_empleado ENUM('Supervisor', 'Empleado', 'Obrero', 'Menor') NOT NULL DEFAULT
Git commit 9b82bc3811e13864bf92399ce3cc7dd96012f47f by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 07/11/2018 at 12:18. Pushed by habacker into branch 'master'. Export of enums for mysql exporter added FIXED-IN:2.26.80 (KDE Applications 18.11.80) M +13 -1 umbrello/codegenerators/sql/sqlwriter.cpp
Git commit e83716f8afa1ce2324d86662f8300b6b4f83a3e7 by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 19/11/2018 at 23:40. Pushed by habacker into branch 'Applications/18.12'. Crash fix in case of exporting an entity relation diagram See for the test case. M +2 -1 umbrello/codegenerators/sql/sqlwriter.cpp