Bug 400706 - Plasma (popups +logout screen) fade out effect not working
Summary: Plasma (popups +logout screen) fade out effect not working
Alias: None
Product: kwin
Classification: Plasma
Component: effects-various (show other bugs)
Version: 5.13.5
Platform: Fedora RPMs Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KWin default assignee
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-11-05 16:09 UTC by David
Modified: 2018-11-08 16:00 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

Bunch of screenshots representing the issue. (3.13 MB, application/gzip)
2018-11-05 16:09 UTC, David

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description David 2018-11-05 16:09:49 UTC
Created attachment 116105 [details]
Bunch of screenshots representing the issue.

Some desktop effects fail to reproduce correctly, all related to the fade effect. They involve tray icons pop-ups, logout screen.

1. Update fedora to latest stable release (29)
2. Download and install kvantum, adapta look and feel
3. Select any look and feel except adapta, arc (and maybe others)

The fade effects fail to work properly. In the fade out phase, the popup correctly fades but the background is a white, solid rectangle resembling the original popup shape. The logout prompt screen is not blurred-semitransparent anymore, but it seems the same white background is applied therefore the result is a quite gray uniform fill.

The popups should fade out without white solid background, just like menus (and like they did before). The logout screen should appear semitransparent and let the desktop wallpaper be seen.

(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 5.13.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.50.0
Qt Version: 5.11.1

I'm not sure if kvantum was the real cause of this issue. It could be either related to the 29 update or to a recent dnf update which did not involve plasma packages directly though.
Also, as said above, the popup issue goes away when using adapta or arc look and feels/desktop themes. This is not true for the logout screen.
Feel free to contact me for more info. I think it should be easy for you to understand the underlying failure as it involves only some specific components of the plasma environment. Seems to be Breeze theme is not able to completely restore parameters ruined by Adapta AND/OR Kvantum.
Comment 1 Vlad Zahorodnii 2018-11-05 18:42:17 UTC
> all related to the fade effect. 

If you disable the fade effect, you can't reproduce this bug, right?
Comment 2 David 2018-11-05 18:48:20 UTC
(In reply to Vlad Zagorodniy from comment #1)
> > all related to the fade effect. 
> If you disable the fade effect, you can't reproduce this bug, right?

Yes, regarding the fade out effect as you said. Not true for the logout screen issue.
Comment 3 Vlad Zahorodnii 2018-11-05 18:50:52 UTC
(In reply to David from comment #2)
> Yes, regarding the fade out effect as you said.
Hmm, interesting...

> Not true for the logout screen issue.
Did you try to disable the Logout effect?
Comment 4 David 2018-11-05 18:56:37 UTC
(In reply to Vlad Zagorodniy from comment #3)
> (In reply to David from comment #2)
> > Yes, regarding the fade out effect as you said.
> Hmm, interesting...

> A lot indeed... XD
> > Not true for the logout screen issue.
> Did you try to disable the Logout effect?

I did. All I got was the same gray screen you can see in the screenshots, nothing changed. Interestingly enough, the fact is checking or unchecking the option makes no difference at all AND the config dialog for that effect says "Plugin does not provide configuration file in the expected location". I really don't know if this is what it was like before, or it's one more funny thing to laugh at.
Comment 5 David 2018-11-05 19:01:10 UTC
Also, I don't know if this could make any sense to You Gurus, but it's also possible this whole situation started when I first connected my PC to a bluetooth speaker, which caused a really bad lag/glitch in the audio popup (audio device changed). This is the very first time I noticed the fade out bug.
But unfortunately I had Kvantum and Adapta installed only a few minutes before the connection so I really cannot establish who is responsible...
Comment 6 Vlad Zahorodnii 2018-11-05 19:06:50 UTC
Please post output of
qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation

Also, can you reproduce this bug if you disable background contrast and blur effect?
Comment 7 David 2018-11-05 19:22:16 UTC
(In reply to Vlad Zagorodniy from comment #6)
> Please post output of
> qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation
> Also, can you reproduce this bug if you disable background contrast and blur
> effect?

Ok, you are definitely a GENIUS. Disabling these effects corrected both the fade and the logout problems.

Blur   Contrast   Result
0        0         OK
0        1         Err, both
1        0         Err, both
1        1         Err, both

Is it still useful if I send you the out of qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation ?
Comment 8 David 2018-11-05 19:27:10 UTC
(In reply to David from comment #7)
> (In reply to Vlad Zagorodniy from comment #6)
> > Please post output of
> > qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation
> > 
> > Also, can you reproduce this bug if you disable background contrast and blur
> > effect?
> Ok, you are definitely a GENIUS. Disabling these effects corrected both the
> fade and the logout problems.
> Blur   Contrast   Result
> 0        0         OK
> 0        1         Err, both
> 1        0         Err, both
> 1        1         Err, both
> Is it still useful if I send you the out of qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin
> supportInformation ?

Ok, Sorry Vlad, I didn't notice Contrast effect has 3 switch position (ON, OFF and half?) so the correct table is:
Blur   Contrast   Result
0        0         OK
0        1         Err, both
1        0         OK
1        1         Err, both

It definitely seems to be Contrast related
Comment 9 Vlad Zahorodnii 2018-11-05 19:29:37 UTC
(In reply to David from comment #7)
> Is it still useful if I send you the out of qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin
> supportInformation ?
Yes, please.
Comment 10 David 2018-11-05 20:01:13 UTC
(In reply to Vlad Zagorodniy from comment #9)
> (In reply to David from comment #7)
> > Is it still useful if I send you the out of qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin
> > supportInformation ?
> Yes, please.

Here you are: 
KWin Support Information:
The following information should be used when requesting support on e.g. http://forum.kde.org.
It provides information about the currently running instance, which options are used,
what OpenGL driver and which effects are running.
Please post the information provided underneath this introductory text to a paste bin service
like http://paste.kde.org instead of pasting into support threads.


KWin version: 5.13.5
Qt Version: 5.11.1
Qt compile version: 5.11.1
XCB compile version: 1.13

Operation Mode: X11 only

Build Options
HAVE_X11_XCB: yes

Vendor: Fedora Project
Vendor Release: 12003000
Protocol Version/Revision: 11/0
SHAPE: yes; Version: 0x11
RANDR: yes; Version: 0x14
DAMAGE: yes; Version: 0x11
Composite: yes; Version: 0x4
RENDER: yes; Version: 0xb
XFIXES: yes; Version: 0x50
SYNC: yes; Version: 0x31
GLX: yes; Version: 0x0

Plugin: org.kde.kwin.aurorae
Theme: __aurorae__svg__Breezemite
Blur: 1
onAllDesktopsAvailable: false
alphaChannelSupported: true
closeOnDoubleClickOnMenu: false
decorationButtonsLeft: 0
decorationButtonsRight: 6, 3, 4, 5
borderSize: 3
gridUnit: 10
font: Noto Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular
smallSpacing: 2
largeSpacing: 10

Name: KWin::X11StandalonePlatform

focusPolicy: 0
nextFocusPrefersMouse: false
clickRaise: true
autoRaise: false
autoRaiseInterval: 0
delayFocusInterval: 0
shadeHover: false
shadeHoverInterval: 250
separateScreenFocus: false
placement: 5
focusPolicyIsReasonable: true
borderSnapZone: 10
windowSnapZone: 10
centerSnapZone: 0
snapOnlyWhenOverlapping: false
rollOverDesktops: true
focusStealingPreventionLevel: 1
legacyFullscreenSupport: false
operationTitlebarDblClick: 5000
operationMaxButtonLeftClick: 5000
operationMaxButtonMiddleClick: 5015
operationMaxButtonRightClick: 5014
commandActiveTitlebar1: 0
commandActiveTitlebar2: 30
commandActiveTitlebar3: 2
commandInactiveTitlebar1: 4
commandInactiveTitlebar2: 30
commandInactiveTitlebar3: 2
commandWindow1: 7
commandWindow2: 8
commandWindow3: 8
commandWindowWheel: 31
commandAll1: 10
commandAll2: 3
commandAll3: 14
keyCmdAllModKey: 16777251
showGeometryTip: false
condensedTitle: false
electricBorderMaximize: true
electricBorderTiling: true
electricBorderCornerRatio: 0.25
borderlessMaximizedWindows: false
killPingTimeout: 5000
hideUtilityWindowsForInactive: true
inactiveTabsSkipTaskbar: false
autogroupSimilarWindows: false
autogroupInForeground: true
compositingMode: 1
useCompositing: true
compositingInitialized: true
hiddenPreviews: 1
glSmoothScale: 2
xrenderSmoothScale: false
maxFpsInterval: 16666666
refreshRate: 0
vBlankTime: 6000000
glStrictBinding: true
glStrictBindingFollowsDriver: true
glCoreProfile: true
glPreferBufferSwap: 101
glPlatformInterface: 1
windowsBlockCompositing: true

Screen Edges
desktopSwitching: false
desktopSwitchingMovingClients: false
cursorPushBackDistance: 1x1
timeThreshold: 150
reActivateThreshold: 350
actionTopLeft: 0
actionTop: 0
actionTopRight: 0
actionRight: 0
actionBottomRight: 1
actionBottom: 0
actionBottomLeft: 0
actionLeft: 0

Multi-Head: no
Active screen follows mouse:  no
Number of Screens: 1

Screen 0:
Name: eDP-1
Geometry: 0,0,1920x1080
Scale: 1
Refresh Rate: 60.0524

Compositing is active
Compositing Type: OpenGL
OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (Kabylake GT2) 
OpenGL version string: 4.5 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.2.3
OpenGL platform interface: GLX
OpenGL shading language version string: 4.50
Driver: Intel
GPU class: Unknown
OpenGL version: 4.5
GLSL version: 4.50
Mesa version: 18.2.3
Linux kernel version: 4.18.16
Direct rendering: Requires strict binding: yes
GLSL shaders:  yes
Texture NPOT support:  yes
Virtual Machine:  no
OpenGL 2 Shaders are used
Painting blocks for vertical retrace:  no

Loaded Effects:

Currently Active Effects:

Effect Settings:


zoomFactor: 1.2
mousePointer: 0
mouseTracking: 0
enableFocusTracking: false
followFocus: true
focusDelay: 350
moveFactor: 20
targetZoom: 1









stiffness: 0.1
drag: 0.85
moveFactor: 0.1
xTesselation: 20
yTesselation: 20
minVelocity: 0
maxVelocity: 1000
stopVelocity: 0.5
minAcceleration: 0
maxAcceleration: 1000
stopAcceleration: 0.5
moveEffectEnabled: true
openEffectEnabled: false
closeEffectEnabled: false
moveWobble: true
resizeWobble: true



animationDuration: 250

tabBox: false
tabBoxAlternative: false
duration: 200
angle: 30
xPosition: 0.33000001311302185
yPosition: 1
windowTitle: true

zoomDuration: 300
border: 10
desktopNameAlignment: 0
layoutMode: 0
customLayoutRows: 2
usePresentWindows: true

animationDuration: 200
animateSwitch: true
animateStart: true
animateStop: true
reflection: true
windowTitle: true
zPosition: 250
primaryTabBox: true
secondaryTabBox: false


layoutMode: 0
showCaptions: true
showIcons: true
doNotCloseWindows: false
ignoreMinimized: false
accuracy: 20
fillGaps: true
fadeDuration: 150
showPanel: false
leftButtonWindow: 1
rightButtonWindow: 2
middleButtonWindow: 0
leftButtonDesktop: 2
middleButtonDesktop: 0
rightButtonDesktop: 0



type: 0



Comment 11 Vlad Zahorodnii 2018-11-05 20:21:56 UTC
Thanks. :-)

Did you upgrade Mesa recently?

When a popup is faded out, does it flicker? What happens when you move a window over the white background?
Comment 12 David 2018-11-05 20:33:17 UTC
(In reply to Vlad Zagorodniy from comment #11)
> Thanks. :-)
> Did you upgrade Mesa recently?
> When a popup is faded out, does it flicker? What happens when you move a
> window over the white background?

I do thank you. I was going to reinstall kde if not Fedora.. I can't live without Plasma and I was going crazy trying to resolve this by myself since I don't know KDE enough XD

Yes, you're right again. The last update involved Mesa Packages. Exactly, these ones (dnf history):
Transaction ID : 196
Begin time     : dom 04 nov 2018 11:49:42 CET
Begin rpmdb    : 2364:fa67ed7179a25ed5ce516fd7ce5d8d901f7526e8
End time       : dom 04 nov 2018 11:50:09 CET (27 seconds)
End rpmdb      : 2364:9f6594c322ec0260e82a5df2c8d8fdc594eb754e
User           : David <dave997>
Return-Code    : Success
Releasever     : 29
Command Line   : update --refresh
Packages Altered:
    Upgrade  NetworkManager-1:1.12.4-2.fc29.x86_64                            @updates
    Upgraded NetworkManager-1:1.12.4-1.fc29.x86_64                            @@System
    Upgrade  NetworkManager-adsl-1:1.12.4-2.fc29.x86_64                       @updates
    Upgraded NetworkManager-adsl-1:1.12.4-1.fc29.x86_64                       @@System
    Upgrade  NetworkManager-bluetooth-1:1.12.4-2.fc29.x86_64                  @updates
    Upgraded NetworkManager-bluetooth-1:1.12.4-1.fc29.x86_64                  @@System
    Upgrade  NetworkManager-config-connectivity-fedora-1:1.12.4-2.fc29.noarch @updates
    Upgraded NetworkManager-config-connectivity-fedora-1:1.12.4-1.fc29.noarch @@System
    Upgrade  NetworkManager-libnm-1:1.12.4-2.fc29.x86_64                      @updates
    Upgraded NetworkManager-libnm-1:1.12.4-1.fc29.x86_64                      @@System
    Upgrade  NetworkManager-team-1:1.12.4-2.fc29.x86_64                       @updates
    Upgraded NetworkManager-team-1:1.12.4-1.fc29.x86_64                       @@System
    Upgrade  NetworkManager-wifi-1:1.12.4-2.fc29.x86_64                       @updates
    Upgraded NetworkManager-wifi-1:1.12.4-1.fc29.x86_64                       @@System
    Upgrade  NetworkManager-wwan-1:1.12.4-2.fc29.x86_64                       @updates
    Upgraded NetworkManager-wwan-1:1.12.4-1.fc29.x86_64                       @@System
    Upgrade  cryptsetup-2.0.5-1.fc29.x86_64                                   @updates
    Upgraded cryptsetup-2.0.4-1.fc29.x86_64                                   @@System
    Upgrade  cryptsetup-libs-2.0.5-1.fc29.x86_64                              @updates
    Upgraded cryptsetup-libs-2.0.4-1.fc29.x86_64                              @@System
    Upgrade  dconf-0.30.1-1.fc29.x86_64                                       @updates
    Upgraded dconf-0.30.0-1.fc29.x86_64                                       @@System
    Upgrade  firefox-63.0.1-1.fc29.x86_64                                     @updates
    Upgraded firefox-63.0-2.fc29.x86_64                                       @@System
    Upgrade  firewall-config-0.6.3-1.fc29.noarch                              @updates
    Upgraded firewall-config-0.6.2-1.fc29.noarch                              @@System
    Upgrade  firewalld-0.6.3-1.fc29.noarch                                    @updates
    Upgraded firewalld-0.6.2-1.fc29.noarch                                    @@System
    Upgrade  firewalld-filesystem-0.6.3-1.fc29.noarch                         @updates
    Upgraded firewalld-filesystem-0.6.2-1.fc29.noarch                         @@System
    Upgrade  glibmm24-2.58.0-1.fc29.x86_64                                    @updates
    Upgraded glibmm24-2.56.0-2.fc29.x86_64                                    @@System
    Upgrade  gnome-disk-utility-3.30.2-1.fc29.x86_64                          @updates
    Upgraded gnome-disk-utility-3.30.1-1.fc29.x86_64                          @@System
    Upgrade  hwdata-0.317-1.fc29.noarch                                       @updates
    Upgraded hwdata-0.316-1.fc29.noarch                                       @@System
    Upgrade  ibus-libs-1.5.19-7.fc29.x86_64                                   @updates
    Upgraded ibus-libs-1.5.19-4.fc29.x86_64                                   @@System
    Upgrade  libdrm-2.4.96-1.fc29.x86_64                                      @updates
    Upgraded libdrm-2.4.95-1.fc29.x86_64                                      @@System
    Upgrade  libnfsidmap-1:2.3.3-1.rc1.fc29.x86_64                            @updates
    Upgraded libnfsidmap-1:2.3.3-0.fc29.x86_64                                @@System
    Upgrade  librsvg2-2.44.8-1.fc29.x86_64                                    @updates
    Upgraded librsvg2-2.44.6-1.fc29.x86_64                                    @@System
    Upgrade  libsigc++20-2.10.1-1.fc29.x86_64                                 @updates
    Upgraded libsigc++20-2.10.0-6.fc29.x86_64                                 @@System
    Upgrade  libsoup-2.64.2-1.fc29.x86_64                                     @updates
    Upgraded libsoup-2.64.1-1.fc29.x86_64                                     @@System
    Upgrade  libxcrypt-4.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                                    @updates
    Upgraded libxcrypt-4.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                                    @@System
    Upgrade  libxcrypt-common-4.2.3-1.fc29.noarch                             @updates
    Upgraded libxcrypt-common-4.2.2-1.fc29.noarch                             @@System
    Upgrade  libxcrypt-devel-4.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                              @updates
    Upgraded libxcrypt-devel-4.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                              @@System
    Upgrade  mesa-dri-drivers-18.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                            @updates
    Upgraded mesa-dri-drivers-18.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                            @@System
    Upgrade  mesa-filesystem-18.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                             @updates
    Upgraded mesa-filesystem-18.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                             @@System
    Upgrade  mesa-libEGL-18.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                                 @updates
    Upgraded mesa-libEGL-18.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                                 @@System
    Upgrade  mesa-libGL-18.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                                  @updates
    Upgraded mesa-libGL-18.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                                  @@System
    Upgrade  mesa-libOpenCL-18.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                              @updates
    Upgraded mesa-libOpenCL-18.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                              @@System
    Upgrade  mesa-libgbm-18.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                                 @updates
    Upgraded mesa-libgbm-18.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                                 @@System
    Upgrade  mesa-libglapi-18.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                               @updates
    Upgraded mesa-libglapi-18.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                               @@System
    Upgrade  mesa-libxatracker-18.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                           @updates
    Upgraded mesa-libxatracker-18.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                           @@System
    Upgrade  mesa-vulkan-drivers-18.2.3-1.fc29.x86_64                         @updates
    Upgraded mesa-vulkan-drivers-18.2.2-1.fc29.x86_64                         @@System
    Upgrade  nfs-utils-1:2.3.3-1.rc1.fc29.x86_64                              @updates
    Upgraded nfs-utils-1:2.3.3-0.fc29.x86_64                                  @@System
    Upgrade  openssh-7.9p1-1.fc29.x86_64                                      @updates
    Upgraded openssh-7.8p1-3.fc29.x86_64                                      @@System
    Upgrade  openssh-clients-7.9p1-1.fc29.x86_64                              @updates
    Upgraded openssh-clients-7.8p1-3.fc29.x86_64                              @@System
    Upgrade  openssh-server-7.9p1-1.fc29.x86_64                               @updates
    Upgraded openssh-server-7.8p1-3.fc29.x86_64                               @@System
    Upgrade  python3-firewall-0.6.3-1.fc29.noarch                             @updates
    Upgraded python3-firewall-0.6.2-1.fc29.noarch                             @@System
    Upgrade  simple-scan-3.30.2-1.fc29.x86_64                                 @updates
    Upgraded simple-scan-                               @@System
    Upgrade  subversion-libs-1.11.0-1.fc29.x86_64                             @updates
    Upgraded subversion-libs-1.10.3-1.fc29.x86_64                             @@System
    Upgrade  tmux-2.8-1.fc29.x86_64                                           @updates
    Upgraded tmux-2.7-2.fc29.x86_64                                           @@System
    Upgrade  webkit2gtk3-2.22.3-1.fc29.x86_64                                 @updates
    Upgraded webkit2gtk3-2.22.2-2.fc29.x86_64                                 @@System
    Upgrade  webkit2gtk3-jsc-2.22.3-1.fc29.x86_64                             @updates
    Upgraded webkit2gtk3-jsc-2.22.2-2.fc29.x86_64                             @@System
    Upgrade  webkit2gtk3-plugin-process-gtk2-2.22.3-1.fc29.x86_64             @updates
    Upgraded webkit2gtk3-plugin-process-gtk2-2.22.2-2.fc29.x86_64             @@System
I do not experience any flicker and or glitches.
When reproducing the bug, I can move windows without lags or anything. Windows go behind the white background.
Comment 13 Vlad Zahorodnii 2018-11-06 11:56:20 UTC
If you downgrade mesa, can you reproduce this bug?
Comment 14 David 2018-11-06 13:53:55 UTC
(In reply to Vlad Zagorodniy from comment #13)
> If you downgrade mesa, can you reproduce this bug?

Yes, unfortunately. Downgrading Mesa from 18.2.3 to 18.2.1 doesn't resolve the issue. The behavior is the same, disabling the Contrast effect solves the problem.
Comment 15 David 2018-11-06 13:56:09 UTC
(In reply to David from comment #14)
> (In reply to Vlad Zagorodniy from comment #13)
> > If you downgrade mesa, can you reproduce this bug?
> Yes, unfortunately. Downgrading Mesa from 18.2.3 to 18.2.1 doesn't resolve
> the issue. The behavior is the same, disabling the Contrast effect solves
> the problem.

I meant from version 18.2.3-1 to 18.2.2-1
Comment 16 David 2018-11-07 22:03:04 UTC
Hi there, good evening Vlad.

I'm happy to announce that today the mesa v18.2.4-2 update resolved the issue. Let me congratulate with you. 

You guys do everyday an incredible job. So proud to be a KDE user.

Thank you for your support, and best wishes for your work!

Comment 17 Vlad Zahorodnii 2018-11-07 22:17:38 UTC
(In reply to David from comment #16)
> Hi there, good evening Vlad.
Good midnight, David. :-)

> I'm happy to announce that today the mesa v18.2.4-2 update resolved the
> issue. Let me congratulate with you. 

If it happens again, please reopen this bug report.
Comment 18 David 2018-11-08 16:00:29 UTC
(In reply to Vlad Zagorodniy from comment #17)
> (In reply to David from comment #16)
> > Hi there, good evening Vlad.
> Good midnight, David. :-)
> > I'm happy to announce that today the mesa v18.2.4-2 update resolved the
> > issue. Let me congratulate with you. 
> Sweet!
> If it happens again, please reopen this bug report.

For sure!