SUMMARY 'Preview' mode not working after visiting Trash folder. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Explore a folder in 'Preview' mode 2. Go to Trash (mode switches to 'Thumbnails') 3. Go back to previous folder: it is now in 'Thumbnails' mode and clicking on 'Preview' does not work (even though the button 'Preview' is selected !!). Double clicking on the selected picture does not work neither. Double clicking on ANOTHER picture may work. Note - not sure it is 100% reproducible, steps may vary a bit. But usually I have the bug. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Is also present in digikam 5.9 from Fedora RPM's
I can confirm it, also the thumbnail view can stop and no preview is viewed. Alternate click on the buttons thumbnail / preview view helps. But it is very rare, with me maybe once in three months. And I use digiKam daily. I'll look at it. Maik
Using Digikam 6.0 Beta3, the bug is always reproducible using the steps of my comment #1 Note that in point 3, you have to select the 'Preview' mode before doing anything else to have the bug: if you select another picture in between, the bug is not present.
Git commit 01e007aeef125ae102e74dc6384bf37142f1fc1b by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 19/10/2019 at 21:06. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. fix preview mode after trash view FIXED-IN: 6.4.0 M +2 -1 NEWS M +1 -0 core/app/views/stack/itemiconview.cpp