STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Start Kdenlive without any project opened 2. Watch its panel task OBSERVED RESULT Kdenlive is marked as app that plays audio EXPECTED RESULT No sound icon near Kdenlive task - as no audio is played from it SOFTWARE VERSIONS Operating System: KDE neon Developer Edition KDE Plasma Version: 5.14.80 Qt Version: 5.11.2 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.52.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 'Mark applications that play audio' should be enabled in Task Manager settings
If you don't mind i change it to wishlist. I'm not sure if the dev can change the code of Kdenlive in a manner to change the Task Manager settings.
I can verify. Checking with pacmd list-sink-input indicates that Kdenlive has a RUNNING and *not* CORKED (the latter is what we use to determine whether to show the stream). It's fine for an app to have a stream open but it should be marked as corked (PulseAudio speech for "not actually playing anything right now"). I would consider this a Kdenlive (or whatever library kdenlive uses for live preview, I pressume it's that causing it) bug, not in Task Manager.
Farid noticed that this issue doesn't happen with flatpak. He guessed that it is probably because it passes "--socket=pulseaudio" in build.