This is similar to the first part of 384801. If more than one Operation is selected and they don't all have the same Category and Tracker, then if they are modified into transfers, the newly created Operations in the "To" account will have empty Category and Tracker fields. If only one operation or multiple operations with the same Category and Tracker are turned into transfers, the Category and Tracker will be copied from the original. Replicate: 1. Create 2 accounts, A and B. 2. In A create two operations, X and Y; Set Category as "Category X" and "Category Y" respectively. Set Tracker "Tracker X" and "Tracker Y". 3. Select both operations. 4. Select Transfer. Select "To Account" is B. 5. Modify Expected: Two new operations in Account B; with Category/Tracker set to "Category X"/"Tracker X" and "Category Y"/"Tracker Y" respectively. Actual Result: Two new operations in Account B with empty Category and Tracker fields. Version 2.15.0 from Debian repository.
Git commit f939c93bc237cf95f9d5f71e17a0cd482e279aad by Stephane MANKOWSKI. Committed on 12/10/2018 at 17:02. Pushed by smankowski into branch 'master'. Modifying multiple selected operations into transfers creates empty category and tracker if not identical M +1 -0 CHANGELOG M +16 -15 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationpluginwidget.cpp