Bug 399456 - dock has wrong posiotion
Summary: dock has wrong posiotion
Alias: None
Product: lattedock
Classification: Plasma
Component: application (show other bugs)
Version: 0.8.1
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: dS810
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-10-06 18:53 UTC by dS810
Modified: 2018-10-12 16:07 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 0.8.2
Sentry Crash Report:

position (127.48 KB, image/png)
2018-10-06 18:53 UTC, dS810
multiscreen (372.93 KB, image/png)
2018-10-07 07:57 UTC, dS810
5000ms (178.49 KB, image/png)
2018-10-07 12:07 UTC, dS810
reboot with debug params (359.35 KB, image/png)
2018-10-07 12:51 UTC, dS810
output (755.51 KB, image/png)
2018-10-07 16:07 UTC, dS810
Git Repo (698.39 KB, image/png)
2018-10-07 18:38 UTC, dS810

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description dS810 2018-10-06 18:53:33 UTC
Created attachment 115450 [details]

After last update latte-dock seems like broken. The posiotion is on secundar screen after each reboot. see screenshot

KDE Plasma Version: 5.13.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 
Qt Version: qplugininfo 5.11.2

Comment 1 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-06 21:40:05 UTC
yeah, ok...

so how can I reproduce this in my system because I cant.
Comment 2 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-06 21:40:19 UTC
Comment 3 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 06:43:31 UTC
Please use: https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/wiki/How-To-Report-Multi-Screen-Issues and report here these information
Comment 4 dS810 2018-10-07 07:57:31 UTC
(In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #1)
> yeah, ok...
> so how can I reproduce this in my system because I cant.

Hey Michail,

I posted a screenshot...
Comment 5 dS810 2018-10-07 07:57:51 UTC
Created attachment 115458 [details]
Comment 6 dS810 2018-10-07 08:00:54 UTC
(In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #3)
> Please use:
> https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/wiki/How-To-Report-Multi-Screen-
> Issues and report here these information

After restart by using `latte-dock -d --with-window` is dock on the right position. but not on start up
Comment 7 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 09:35:49 UTC
(In reply to dS810 from comment #6)
> (In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #3)
> > Please use:
> > https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/wiki/How-To-Report-Multi-Screen-
> > Issues and report here these information
> After restart by using `latte-dock -d --with-window` is dock on the right
> position. but not on start up

1. Have you tried to increase the delay for screen changes from 2500ms to something bigger? This option is at Latte Settings->Preferences
Comment 8 dS810 2018-10-07 12:07:16 UTC
(In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #7)
> (In reply to dS810 from comment #6)
> > (In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #3)
> > > Please use:
> > > https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock/wiki/How-To-Report-Multi-Screen-
> > > Issues and report here these information
> > 
> > After restart by using `latte-dock -d --with-window` is dock on the right
> > position. but not on start up
> 1. Have you tried to increase the delay for screen changes from 2500ms to
> something bigger? This option is at Latte Settings->Preferences

Tested it with 5000ms. same behavior
Comment 9 dS810 2018-10-07 12:07:31 UTC
Created attachment 115465 [details]
Comment 10 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 12:22:40 UTC
Let's show the debug window during login:

1. go to folder ~/.config/autostart
2. there should be a file there called org.kde.latte-dock.desktop
3. in that file locate line "Exec=latte-dock %u"
4. Substitute that line with "Exec=latte-dock -d --with-window"
5. relogin

a debug window should appear for Latte, send a screenshot of that window when to dock isnt placed properly
Comment 11 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 12:47:09 UTC
just for the record, I replicated yours screens setup and I could not replicate the issue with neither 0.8.0, 0.8.1 or master
Comment 12 dS810 2018-10-07 12:51:51 UTC
Created attachment 115468 [details]
reboot with debug params

Just reboot my system.

Are you also on arch? maybe it's a plasma issue?
Comment 13 dS810 2018-10-07 12:53:26 UTC
(In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #11)
> just for the record, I replicated yours screens setup and I could not
> replicate the issue with neither 0.8.0, 0.8.1 or master

If you want we could make a call. I'm a russian native speaker :)
Comment 14 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 13:03:54 UTC
(In reply to dS810 from comment #12)
> Created attachment 115468 [details]
> reboot with debug params
> Just reboot my system.
> Are you also on arch? maybe it's a plasma issue?

I am on Tumbleweed. You dont need to reboot, only to relogin...

The debug window shows that the dock screen settings are broken...
Even though it says that it belongs to eDP1 (that is correct because it is the primary)

on the other hand it says that the screen resolution is 0,0 3440x1440 (this isnt correct because that is the HDMI resolution)

and the dock window geometry says 1920x81 which is based on eDP-1 size  which is 1920x1080

the issue is not with Plasma, is with the Latte implementation and is triggered because of the specific screens... For some reason during start-up the two screens are changing resolutions and primary settings between them and Latte stays somewhere in the middle...

I dont know how to solve this because I would need to use that specific hardware to understand where the screens assignment-update breaks for Latte... :(
Comment 15 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 13:14:12 UTC
based on user feedback this is confirmed but I cant replicate yet
Comment 16 dS810 2018-10-07 13:21:13 UTC
(In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #15)
> based on user feedback this is confirmed but I cant replicate yet

I use this setup > 1 year. I have this behavior since ~2 weeks
Comment 17 dS810 2018-10-07 13:44:03 UTC
If you want you can access to my system (teamviewer) to test or debug
Comment 18 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 15:29:53 UTC
(In reply to dS810 from comment #17)
> If you want you can access to my system (teamviewer) to test or debug

I dont think it would help...

1. can you build Latte yourself from the repo? (https://phabricator.kde.org/source/latte-dock/repository/master/)

2. If you are we can chat and runtime trying together some things
Comment 19 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 15:52:01 UTC
3. one more thing is to send also the latte output from terminal. To do so you can do the following: locate the autostart file as mentioned earlier and substitute Exec line with:
Exec=konsole -e "latte-dock -d --with-window"

it will open also a konsole window with Latte messages to track down some things...
Comment 20 dS810 2018-10-07 16:07:17 UTC
Created attachment 115471 [details]

here is the output
Comment 21 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 16:10:33 UTC
(In reply to dS810 from comment #20)
> Created attachment 115471 [details]
> output
> here is the output

I need all of the contents in konsole, can you select them all and copy paste them in a text file?
Comment 22 dS810 2018-10-07 16:14:14 UTC
Can't select more than that:

[debug 18:13:11.121121] - package is valid true
[debug 18:13:11.121121] - connector : "eDP1"  -  "10"
[debug 18:13:11.121121] - Known Screen -  "eDP1"  -  10
[debug 18:13:11.121121] - connector : "DP1"  -  "11"
[debug 18:13:11.121121] - Known Screen -  "DP1"  -  11
[debug 18:13:11.121121] - connector : "HDMI1"  -  "12"
[debug 18:13:11.121121] - Known Screen -  "HDMI1"  -  12
[debug 18:13:11.122122] - Latte::DockCorona the package QJsonObject({"KPlugin":{"Authors":[{"Email":"mvourlakos@gmail.com, audoban@openmailbox.org","Name":"Michail Vourlakos, Smith Ar"}],"Description":"Shell provided for the Latte Dock","Description[ca@valencia]":"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat pel Latte Dock","Description[ca]":"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat pel Latte Dock","Description[da]":"Skal til Latte-dokken","Description[de]":"Shell für Latte-Dock","Description[el]":"Κέλυφος που παρέχεται από την εφαρμογή Latte","Description[en_GB]":"Shell provided for the Latte Dock","Description[es]":"Shell proporcionada para Latte Dock","Description[eu]":"Shell-a Latte Dockentzat","Description[fi]":"Latte-telakalle tarjottu käyttöliittymä","Description[gl]":"Intérprete de ordes fornecido para a doca Latte.","Description[it]":"Shell fornita per Latte Dock","Description[nl]":"Shell geleverd voor de Latte Dock","Description[nn]":"Skal frå Latte-dokk","Description[pl]":"Powłoka dla doku Latte","Description[pt]":"Consola oferecida para a área acoplável do Latte","Description[pt_BR]":"Shell fornecido pelo Latte Dock","Description[sv]":"Skal tillhandahållet för Latte dockningsfönster","Description[uk]":"Оболонка панелі Латте","Description[x-test]":"xxShell provided for the Latte Dockxx","Description[zh_CN]":"用于 Latte 停靠栏的 Shell","Description[zh_TW]":"由 Latte Dock 提供的 Shell","Id":"org.kde.latte.shell","License":"GPLv3+","Name":"Latte Shell","Name[ca@valencia]":"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte","Name[ca]":"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte","Name[cs]":"Shell Latte","Name[da]":"Latte-skal","Name[de]":"Latte-Shell","Name[el]":"Κέλυφος Latte","Name[en_GB]":"Latte Shell","Name[es]":"Consola de Latte","Name[eu]":"Latte Shell-a","Name[fi]":"Latte-käyttöliittymä","Name[gl]":"Intérprete de ordes de Latte","Name[it]":"shell Latte","Name[nl]":"Latte-shell","Name[nn]":"Latte-skal","Name[pl]":"Powłoka Latte","Name[pt]":"Consola do Latte","Name[pt_BR]":"Latte Shell","Name[sv]":"Latte skal","Name[uk]":"Оболонка Латте","Name[x-test]":"xxLatte Shellxx","Name[zh_CN]":"Latte Shell","Name[zh_TW]":"Latte Shell","ServiceTypes":["Plasma/Shell"],"Version":"0.8.1","Website":"https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock"},"Keywords":"shell","Keywords[ca@valencia]":"intèrpret d'ordres","Keywords[ca]":"intèrpret d'ordres","Keywords[da]":"skal","Keywords[de]":"Shell","Keywords[el]":"κέλυφος","Keywords[en_GB]":"shell","Keywords[es]":"consola","Keywords[eu]":"shell","Keywords[fi]":"käyttöliittymä","Keywords[gl]":"intérprete de ordes","Keywords[it]":"shell","Keywords[nl]":"shell","Keywords[nn]":"skal","Keywords[pl]":"powłoka","Keywords[pt]":"consola","Keywords[pt_BR]":"shell","Keywords[sk]":"shell","Keywords[sv]":"skal","Keywords[uk]":"оболонка","Keywords[x-test]":"xxshellxx","Keywords[zh_CN]":"shell","Keywords[zh_TW]":"shell","X-KDE-ParentApp":"latte-dock"}) is valid!
[debug 18:13:11.134134] - Universal Settings version :  2
[debug 18:13:11.134134] - Latte is loading  its layouts...
[debug 18:13:11.134134] - Layout file to create object:  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Erweitert.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 18:13:11.135135] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Erweitert.layout.latte"
[debug 18:13:11.136136] - Layout name: "Erweitert"
[debug 18:13:11.136136] - Layout file to create object:  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 18:13:11.136136] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"
[debug 18:13:11.137137] - Layout name: "Mein Profil"
[debug 18:13:11.137137] - Layout file to create object:  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 18:13:11.137137] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte"
[debug 18:13:11.138138] - Layout name: "Plasma"
[debug 18:13:11.138138] - Layout file to create object:  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 18:13:11.138138] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte"
[debug 18:13:11.139139] - Layout name: "Unity"
[debug 18:13:11.491491] - "Mein Profil"  -  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"
[debug 18:13:11.491491] - Layout file to create object:  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"  with name:  "Mein Profil"
[debug 18:13:11.491491] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"
[debug 18:13:11.492492] - Layout name: "Mein Profil"
[debug 18:13:11.492492] - Layout :::::  "Mein Profil"  added contaiments :::  0
[debug 18:13:11.508508] -  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
[debug 18:13:11.508508] -  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
[debug 18:13:11.508508] - LOADING CORONA LAYOUT: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"
[info 18:13:11.5757] - Applet preload policy set to 1
[debug 18:13:11.589589] - Layout ::::  "Mein Profil"  ::: addDock was called... m_containments ::  1
[debug 18:13:11.589589] - step 1...
[debug 18:13:11.589589] - step 2...
[debug 18:13:11.589589] - step 3...
[debug 18:13:11.589589] - add dock - containment id:  1  ,screen :  10  -  "eDP1"  ,onprimary: true  -  "eDP1"  ,forceOnPrimary: false
[debug 18:13:11.589589] - add dock - connector :  "eDP1"
[debug 18:13:11.589589] - Adding dock for container...
[debug 18:13:11.589589] - onPrimary:  true screen!!! : "eDP1"
[debug 18:13:11.766766] - adapting to screen...
[debug 18:13:11.897897] - SOURCE: QUrl("/usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.latte.shell/contents/views/Panel.qml")
[debug 18:13:11.897897] - dock view c++ containment changed 1...
[debug 18:13:11.897897] - dock view c++ containment changed 2...
[debug 18:13:11.897897] -   Delayer  
[debug 18:13:11.897897] -       D, found screen:  "eDP1"
[debug 18:13:11.898898] -       D, found screen:  "HDMI1"
[debug 18:13:11.898898] - dock screen exists  :::  true
[warning 18:13:12.082082] - Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
[debug 18:13:12.205205] - PulseAudio Latte interface was loaded...
[debug 18:13:13.205205] -  /////////////////////////
[debug 18:13:13.205205] - "Plasma Desktop version:  5.13.5 (331013)"
[debug 18:13:13.205205] -  /////////////////////////
[debug 18:13:13.383383] - dock view qml source - containment changed 1...
[debug 18:13:13.383383] - dock view qml source - containment changed 2...
[warning 18:13:13.386386] - Empty filename passed to function
[warning 18:13:13.386386] - Empty filename passed to function
[debug 18:13:13.407407] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 18:13:13.408408] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 18:13:13.4141] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 18:13:13.411411] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 18:13:13.892892] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 18:13:13.935935] - DOCK VIEW FROM LAYOUT :::  "Mein Profil"  - activities:  ("0")
[debug 18:13:14.1515] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 18:13:14.151151] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 18:13:16.053053] -   Delayer  
[debug 18:13:16.053053] -       D, found screen:  "eDP1"
[debug 18:13:16.053053] -       D, found screen:  "HDMI1"
[debug 18:13:16.053053] - dock screen exists  :::  true
Comment 23 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 16:17:55 UTC
it ends there?
Comment 24 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 17:11:08 UTC
Git commit f955c6a40c00fb06754223cbdc16ba40e379ca59 by Michail Vourlakos.
Committed on 07/10/2018 at 17:08.
Pushed by mvourlakos into branch 'master'.

improve reconsiderScreens code for multi-screens

--try to make screens assignment and window geometry
more consistent. There are three variables in a dock
window for its screen and positioning to be accurate,
screen(), m_screenToFollow, m_screenToFollowId

M  +20   -9    app/dock/dockview.cpp
M  +1    -1    app/dock/dockview.h

Comment 25 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 17:13:35 UTC
it may be it.. but you can confirm it only if you find a way to test master version... I will need confirmation in order to apply it also at v0.8.x versions
Comment 26 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 18:14:16 UTC
Git commit 3b0c39cc53c762ec671e40d2cbeb519370076020 by Michail Vourlakos.
Committed on 07/10/2018 at 18:13.
Pushed by mvourlakos into branch 'v0.8'.

improve reconsiderScreens code for multi-screens

--try to make screens assignment and window geometry
more consistent. There are three variables in a dock
window for its screen and positioning to be accurate,
screen(), m_screenToFollow, m_screenToFollowId
FIXED-IN: 0.8.2
(cherry picked from commit f955c6a40c00fb06754223cbdc16ba40e379ca59)

M  +20   -9    app/dock/dockview.cpp
M  +1    -1    app/dock/dockview.h

Comment 27 dS810 2018-10-07 18:30:00 UTC
Just a moment I will compile it
Comment 28 dS810 2018-10-07 18:38:14 UTC
Created attachment 115476 [details]
Git Repo

Compiled and installed from git repo. No changes
Comment 29 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 18:43:53 UTC
(In reply to dS810 from comment #28)
> Created attachment 115476 [details]
> Git Repo
> Compiled and installed from git repo. No changes

can you send the new output?
Comment 30 dS810 2018-10-07 18:45:37 UTC
We can make a call if you want. Telegram, Wire, Skype? what you want
Comment 31 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-07 18:52:31 UTC
(In reply to dS810 from comment #30)
> We can make a call if you want. Telegram, Wire, Skype? what you want

In telegram: psifidotos
Comment 32 dS810 2018-10-07 18:56:45 UTC
Newest output
[debug 20:51:57.551551] - package is valid true
[debug 20:51:57.551551] - connector : "eDP1"  -  "10"
[debug 20:51:57.551551] - Known Screen -  "eDP1"  -  10
[debug 20:51:57.552552] - connector : "DP1"  -  "11"
[debug 20:51:57.552552] - Known Screen -  "DP1"  -  11
[debug 20:51:57.552552] - connector : "HDMI1"  -  "12"
[debug 20:51:57.552552] - Known Screen -  "HDMI1"  -  12
[debug 20:51:57.552552] - Latte::DockCorona the package QJsonObject({"KPlugin":{"Authors":[{"Email":"mvourlakos@gmail.com, audoban@openmailbox.org","Name":"Michail Vourlakos, Smith Ar"}],"Description":"Shell provided for the Latte Dock","Description[ca@valencia]":"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat pel Latte Dock","Description[ca]":"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat pel Latte Dock","Description[da]":"Skal til Latte-dokken","Description[de]":"Shell für Latte-Dock","Description[el]":"Κέλυφος που παρέχεται από την εφαρμογή Latte","Description[en_GB]":"Shell provided for the Latte Dock","Description[es]":"Shell proporcionada para Latte Dock","Description[eu]":"Shell-a Latte Dockentzat","Description[fi]":"Latte-telakalle tarjottu käyttöliittymä","Description[gl]":"Intérprete de ordes fornecido para a doca Latte.","Description[it]":"Shell fornita per Latte Dock","Description[nl]":"Shell geleverd voor de Latte Dock","Description[nn]":"Skal frå Latte-dokk","Description[pl]":"Powłoka dla doku Latte","Description[pt]":"Consola oferecida para a área acoplável do Latte","Description[pt_BR]":"Shell fornecido pelo Latte Dock","Description[sv]":"Skal tillhandahållet för Latte dockningsfönster","Description[uk]":"Оболонка панелі Латте","Description[x-test]":"xxShell provided for the Latte Dockxx","Description[zh_CN]":"用于 Latte 停靠栏的 Shell","Description[zh_TW]":"由 Latte Dock 提供的 Shell","Id":"org.kde.latte.shell","License":"GPLv3+","Name":"Latte Shell","Name[ca@valencia]":"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte","Name[ca]":"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte","Name[cs]":"Shell Latte","Name[da]":"Latte-skal","Name[de]":"Latte-Shell","Name[el]":"Κέλυφος Latte","Name[en_GB]":"Latte Shell","Name[es]":"Consola de Latte","Name[eu]":"Latte Shell-a","Name[fi]":"Latte-käyttöliittymä","Name[gl]":"Intérprete de ordes de Latte","Name[it]":"shell Latte","Name[nl]":"Latte-shell","Name[nn]":"Latte-skal","Name[pl]":"Powłoka Latte","Name[pt]":"Consola do Latte","Name[pt_BR]":"Latte Shell","Name[sv]":"Latte skal","Name[uk]":"Оболонка Латте","Name[x-test]":"xxLatte Shellxx","Name[zh_CN]":"Latte Shell","Name[zh_TW]":"Latte Shell","ServiceTypes":["Plasma/Shell"],"Version":"0.8.75","Website":"https://github.com/psifidotos/Latte-Dock"},"Keywords":"shell","Keywords[ca@valencia]":"intèrpret d'ordres","Keywords[ca]":"intèrpret d'ordres","Keywords[da]":"skal","Keywords[de]":"Shell","Keywords[el]":"κέλυφος","Keywords[en_GB]":"shell","Keywords[es]":"consola","Keywords[eu]":"shell","Keywords[fi]":"käyttöliittymä","Keywords[gl]":"intérprete de ordes","Keywords[it]":"shell","Keywords[nl]":"shell","Keywords[nn]":"skal","Keywords[pl]":"powłoka","Keywords[pt]":"consola","Keywords[pt_BR]":"shell","Keywords[sk]":"shell","Keywords[sv]":"skal","Keywords[uk]":"оболонка","Keywords[x-test]":"xxshellxx","Keywords[zh_CN]":"shell","Keywords[zh_TW]":"shell","X-KDE-ParentApp":"latte-dock"}) is valid!
[debug 20:51:57.553553] - badges updated to ::  ("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", ",", ".")
[debug 20:51:57.559559] - Universal Settings version :  2
[debug 20:51:57.565565] - Latte is loading  its layouts...
[debug 20:51:57.566566] - Layout file to create object:  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Erweitert.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 20:51:57.566566] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Erweitert.layout.latte"
[debug 20:51:57.568568] - Layout name: "Erweitert"
[debug 20:51:57.569569] - Layout file to create object:  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 20:51:57.5757] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"
[debug 20:51:57.571571] - Layout name: "Mein Profil"
[debug 20:51:57.572572] - Layout file to create object:  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 20:51:57.572572] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte"
[debug 20:51:57.573573] - Layout name: "Plasma"
[debug 20:51:57.574574] - Layout file to create object:  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte"  with name:  ""
[debug 20:51:57.574574] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte"
[debug 20:51:57.587587] - Layout name: "Unity"
[debug 20:51:57.956956] - "Mein Profil"  -  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"
[debug 20:51:57.956956] - Layout file to create object:  "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"  with name:  "Mein Profil"
[debug 20:51:57.956956] - Layout file: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"
[debug 20:51:57.956956] - Layout name: "Mein Profil"
[debug 20:51:57.957957] - Layout :::::  "Mein Profil"  added contaiments :::  0
[debug 20:51:57.957957] -  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
[debug 20:51:57.957957] -  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
[debug 20:51:57.957957] - LOADING CORONA LAYOUT: "/home/djoma/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte"
[info 20:51:58.022022] - Applet preload policy set to 1
[debug 20:51:58.0505] - Layout ::::  "Mein Profil"  ::: addDock was called... m_containments ::  1
[debug 20:51:58.0505] - step 1...
[debug 20:51:58.0505] - step 2...
[debug 20:51:58.0505] - step 3...
[debug 20:51:58.0505] - add dock - containment id:  1  ,screen :  10  -  "eDP1"  ,onprimary: true  -  "eDP1"  ,forceOnPrimary: false
[debug 20:51:58.0505] - add dock - connector :  "eDP1"
[debug 20:51:58.0505] - Adding dock for container...
[debug 20:51:58.0505] - onPrimary:  true screen!!! : "eDP1"
[debug 20:51:58.195195] - setScreenToFollow() called for screen: "eDP1"  update: true
[debug 20:51:58.195195] - adapting to screen...
[debug 20:51:58.195195] - setScreenToFollow() ended...
[debug 20:51:58.276276] - SOURCE: QUrl("/usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.latte.shell/contents/views/Panel.qml")
[debug 20:51:58.276276] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:51:58.276276] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:51:58.276276] - dock view c++ containment changed 1...
[debug 20:51:58.276276] - dock view c++ containment changed 2...
[debug 20:51:58.276276] - reconsiderScreen() called...
[debug 20:51:58.276276] -   Delayer  
[debug 20:51:58.276276] -       D, found screen:  "eDP1"
[debug 20:51:58.277277] -       D, found screen:  "HDMI1"
[debug 20:51:58.277277] - dock screen exists  :::  true
[debug 20:51:58.277277] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:51:58.277277] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:51:58.277277] - reconsiderScreen() ended...
[warning 20:51:58.577577] - Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
[debug 20:51:58.676676] - PulseAudio Latte interface was loaded...
[debug 20:51:59.735735] -  /////////////////////////
[debug 20:51:59.735735] - "Plasma Desktop version:  5.13.5 (331013)"
[debug 20:51:59.735735] -  /////////////////////////
[debug 20:52:00.009009] - dock view qml source - containment changed 1...
[debug 20:52:00.009009] - dock view qml source - containment changed 2...
[debug 20:52:00.009009] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.009009] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.0101] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.0101] - syncGeometry() ended...
[warning 20:52:00.012012] - Empty filename passed to function
[warning 20:52:00.012012] - Empty filename passed to function
[debug 20:52:00.059059] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.059059] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 20:52:00.059059] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 20:52:00.0606] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.062062] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.062062] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 20:52:00.062062] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.063063] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.063063] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 20:52:00.063063] - syncGeometry() ended...
[warning 20:52:00.073073] - file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.latte.containment/contents/ui/PanelBox.qml:338: ReferenceError: adjustPrefix is not defined
[debug 20:52:00.076076] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.076076] - Sync Geometry screens inconsistent!!!!
[debug 20:52:00.076076] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.602602] - DOCK VIEW FROM LAYOUT :::  "Mein Profil"  - activities:  ("0")
[debug 20:52:00.726726] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.727727] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.888888] - badges updated to ::  ("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", ",", ".")
[debug 20:52:00.894894] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.895895] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.895895] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.895895] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.895895] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.895895] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.896896] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.896896] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:00.921921] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:00.921921] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:01.421421] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:01.422422] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:02.239239] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:02.239239] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:02.538538] - reconsiderScreen() called...
[debug 20:52:02.538538] -   Delayer  
[debug 20:52:02.539539] -       D, found screen:  "eDP1"
[debug 20:52:02.539539] -       D, found screen:  "HDMI1"
[debug 20:52:02.539539] - dock screen exists  :::  true
[debug 20:52:02.539539] - syncGeometry() called...
[debug 20:52:02.539539] - syncGeometry() ended...
[debug 20:52:02.539539] - reconsiderScreen() ended...
Comment 33 Michail Vourlakos 2018-10-12 16:07:45 UTC
Git commit ac9f1d2a34076dbc4f9fc99cff87b4fad4820c7d by Michail Vourlakos.
Committed on 12/10/2018 at 16:05.
Pushed by mvourlakos into branch 'v0.8'.

fixes for multi-screen behavior

--fix wrong placement at multi-screen environment
during startup. freeEdges function was not sufficient for
reconsiderScreen() because there was a chance to
exclude edges that even though they were available
it returned fault results. Such case is when
a view request available edges for specific screen
and the edge of that specific view is also exluded
because that view has not finished its movement
to the new assigned screen.

--fix re-adding an explicit dock when its screen
is activated. A check was missing in order to
confirm that a primary dock is occuping that
edge but we must check also that the primary
screen is the same with the explicit one.

--add/improve debug messages

(cherry picked from commit 0bab34468207b1472c1906c768323f2a9f2b1b12)
FIXED-IN: 0.8.2

M  +12   -3    app/dock/dockview.cpp
M  +26   -3    app/layout.cpp
M  +5    -1    app/layout.h
