SUMMARY krita-4.1.3-1 krita-4.2.0-pre-alpha-c365356-x86_64.appimage Tested with fresh configuration (removing existing ~/.local/share/krita, ~/.config/krita*) STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. New document (ctrl+n) 2. Change primary color to something else, in this case: gray 3. Create and save a new workspace: Top right button > name "test" > save 4. Switch to another workspace (Default) 5. Change primary color to something else, in this case: black 6. Switch to "test" workspace OBSERVED RESULT Primary and secondary colors are switched to pure white, though sometimes retain the color that was active during the workspace save. EXPECTED RESULT Keep the colors that are active prior to workspace switch Do not save active color when workspace is saved (if it is) SOFTWARE VERSIONS Qt Version: 5.11.2-1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This is disruptive to workflow because the current active colors are lost. It may be desirable to switch between 2 similar workspaces often, like between animation and regular painting.
The problem is that the workspace restore the palette and that apparently sets the color of the palette as foreground color. As the palette docker is going to be replaced anyway that will likely be resolved with the new docker.
The new palette docker has just been merged and I can confirm that the problem is now gone.