SUMMARY see $SUBJECT STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. import mp4 file with file mtime != mp4 metadata "creation time" 2. correct time in Digikam using the right sidebar 3. open Geolocation editor OBSERVED RESULT datetime in Geolocation editor shows filename mtime datetime in Digikam main view shows mp4 metadata datetime EXPECTED RESULT After editing (at least) all dates that are shown should be identical. SOFTWARE VERSIONS: Kubuntu 18.04, Digikam 6.0-beta1 20180926xxxx
I can not reproduce it here. Geolocation Editor shows here the metadata creation date. Do you use sidecar files? Maik
Yes, I am using sidecars. And I have switched off updating the file metadata, I want my images to stay pristine.
What do you mean by "after editing"? Within digiKam? Or video is just imported and Geolocation Editor shows different creation date than the icon view? Maik
The datetime wasn't correct. I edited it using the right sidebar (Descriptions tab) and it was corrected in thumbnail view, but not in the geolocation editor tabular view.
Git commit 973b81b13b8c310066fe2f2f0d968461539cb523 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 03/10/2018 at 19:52. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. always use the date from the database for the Geolocation Editor FIXED-IN: 6.0.0 M +2 -1 NEWS M +1 -2 core/libs/database/item/imagegps.cpp