Bug 399037 - Repeated "QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current” and hang
Summary: Repeated "QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current” and...
Alias: None
Product: amarok
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 2.9.0
Platform: Debian stable Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: kf5
Assignee: Amarok Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-09-24 21:32 UTC by Eyal Rozenberg
Modified: 2024-03-30 08:15 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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v2.9.0 console capture as problem manifests (6.00 KB, text/x-log)
2018-09-27 22:13 UTC, Eyal Rozenberg

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Description Eyal Rozenberg 2018-09-24 21:32:05 UTC

I've using Amarok 2.8.0 on Devuan 2 as well as on Linux Mint 18.3. My hardware and driver setup is valid, but atypical: I use on-board graphics for X, but also use an nVIDIA graphics card (with its drivers loaded) for computation. This gives me some OpenGL issues in certain cases, and specifically with Amarok: When I run it, I get the repeating error message:

  QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current

and the app hangs after a bit of use. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

1. Get a machine with on-board graphics and an nVIDIA graphics card
2. Install a recent version of CUDA (includingn an nVIDIA kernel driver).
3. Configure your X server is configured to use the on-board graphics,  not the nVIDIA card.
4. Make sure you can actually run some of the CUDA samples or at least that `nvidia-smi` gives you information about your card - while running X.
5. Install a non-KDE desktop environment, e.g. Cinnamon
6. Run amarok
7. Add some audio files to a playlist and start playing


No repeating error message, app runs normally, music plays.


After a short while, the amarok UI is no longer responsive (although the music continues playing); the app cannot be shut down except with a signal.
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 
KDE Frameworks Version: 
Qt Version: 


The card is a GeForce 650 Ti Boost, although that shouldn't matter. The CPU is an Intel x86_64 4-core chip.
Comment 1 Eyal Rozenberg 2018-09-24 22:32:30 UTC
I should also mention that I experience other issues, probably related to the same system setup, on my system. Perhaps the most significant example (and the only one I can remember and reproduce right now) is that Cinnamon only manages to start up in Fallback mode, and in regular startup it crashes.
Comment 2 Myriam Schweingruber 2018-09-25 12:15:56 UTC
If you are indeed using 2.8.0, please upgrade your version, 2.9.0 is out since quite some time, then report back if the issue persist, Version 2.8.0 is not maintained by us anymore
Comment 3 Eyal Rozenberg 2018-09-25 13:19:33 UTC
(In reply to Myriam Schweingruber from comment #2)
Well, I doubt things are different with 2.9.0 (unless you've worked on something related to this issue). Regardless, I'll update this issue right after I manage to _build_ 2.9.0 (see bug 399052).
Comment 4 Eyal Rozenberg 2018-09-27 22:05:35 UTC
Ok, so, I have reproduced the bug with v2.9.0. But - now I don't get the repeating QLContext error messages.

In case it matters - I set KDEDIRS="/usr/local:/usr" to get v2.9.0 to find its plugins and agree to run.
Comment 5 Eyal Rozenberg 2018-09-27 22:13:18 UTC
Created attachment 115277 [details]
v2.9.0 console capture as problem manifests

The contents of this file are what gets printed to the console (stdout + stderr) when running amarok v2.9.0, playing a file, with the bug manifesting shortly afterwards, i.e. playback continues but the GUI becomes unresonsive.

I should also mention that in addition to the UI, other windows seem to get spawned which then disappear; not sure if that's related or not.
Comment 6 Justin Zobel 2022-12-01 04:34:27 UTC
Thank you for reporting this issue in KDE software. As it has been a while since this issue was reported, can we please ask you to see if you can reproduce the issue with a recent software version?

If you can reproduce the issue, please change the status to "REPORTED" when replying. Thank you!
Comment 7 Eyal Rozenberg 2022-12-01 07:51:25 UTC
Not currently using amarok, and my hardware has changed, so can't reproduce this right now.
Comment 8 Tuomas Nurmi 2024-03-30 08:15:17 UTC
Seeing that this appeared on Qt4 based Amarok and there have been no reports from such happening on the Qt5/KF5-based alpha 2.9.71, I'm closing this as likely fixed by the 4->5 port. Please do not hesitate to reopen if you still encounter this with current versions.