This is something that is affecting the use of the tool. I included an image showing the issue. When I disable "HI-DPI support" in the options and relaunch Krita, the issue is resolved, but everything is tiny on 4k screens. Also, it should be noted that I have my desktop spanned over 2 monitors. When I disable the second monitor, the program acts normal, but when I span my desktop over to the second monitor, this issue returns. I attached a link of the video of me reproducing the issue. (Please excuse the insane amount of flickering. OBS doesn't seem to like Linux much...)
Hi, Isaac! 1) Could you send me the configuration of your screens? That is both screen resolutions and the layout. Do you have vertical layout, btw? 2) Could you also generate a tablet log for me? Here is an instruction: On step 5) just do one relatively long stroke that spans the entire canvas.
Hello Dmitry :) I will tell you all about my monitors: They are a Dell U2410 and a Dell P2415Q, side by side. The Dell U2410 is on the left of the 4K screen. I have them both running at their native resolutions, except on Linux, I have the Dell U2410 nearly "centered" to the left of the P2415Q. I have included links of what my setup looks like in reality and on Linux: Setup in reality: Setup in Linux: I hope that helps for now, because I'll have to do the other part tomorrow. I got confused today and it's best I give a better go after a good night's rest from my day at college. :)
Dmitry, unfortunately I cannot complete what you are requesting because neither building Krita from it's source code or "sudo apt install krita", will allow me to enable "Hi-Dpi support" in the application. I have toggled the option on and off while relaunching the program and still to no avail. The appimage works just fine, but unless I can use that in this debug situation, then I think we're at a loss. Hi-Dpi support must be functional for me to recreate the issue.
This is interesting... I tried to recreate the issue on Windows 10, but it does not exist. I downloaded the latest build (Krita Next) for Windows and tried to recreate the issue. The Windows build of Krita does not seem to have this issue. Perhaps this is a Linux-exclusive issue?
Yes, that's quite possible. It might have to do with how the dual monitors are setup, which desktop you're running, which window manager, how the wacom settings are setup.
Has any progress or any more information been confirmed or made about this issue? I can supply another video if need be.
No, sorry... I don't have a setup like that myself, and I've been busy trying to fix resource system/tagging bugs myself.
Hi, Isaac! Could you please test these nightly builds? In the older versions we used incorrect screen resolution for scaling tablet events, which could cause troubles with HiDPI displays. I have fixed this problem quite recently, so it should work now. If you still see the problem in nightly builds, please reopen the bug :) Reference commit:
Oups, Linux nightly builds are here:
*** Bug 404860 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
(In reply to Dmitry Kazakov from comment #9) > Oups, Linux nightly builds are here: > I apologize for being late Dmitry, but I had a chance to try those latest nightly Linux builds and you are correct, the issue seems to be 100% gone! Thank you for looking into this! :)