Attempting to resize the preview window in Kdenlive results in it being snapped back to its original position, even in "Free resize" monitor mode.
This only happens on first startup.
Change settings -> “force breeze icon theme” several times on/off and the issue should gone. Or do you delete the kdenliverc in the shared folder.
Confirmed also on appImage 19.03.70 on Fedora 29 Linux
Still happening on 19.04.2 on Ubuntu 18.04.2
Please try with the current Kdenlive AppImage version 19.04.2f Goto help -> click reset configuraton. If this is not working delete the Kdenliverc file, see here:
This is fixed in the meantime. Please try with the current Kdenlive AppImage version 20.12.2
Sorry for not responding until now, but I haven't been getting notifications of these comments. I haven't noticed this issue at all recently, perhaps even since I switched to the Ubuntu package version. Either way the problem is gone on the latest AppImage (20.12.2) as well as my current package version 4:20.12.2-1~ubuntu20.04.1. Unless someone else still has this issue I'll consider it resolved. Thank you all for your attention.
Thank you for the feedback and contribution.