With khotnewstuff_upload I tried to update content that I previously added to store.kde.org and always get an error message 999 "Unknown request". For updating the content I used the following knsrc file: [KNewStuff3] ProvidersUrl=https://autoconfig.kde.org/ocs/providers.xml Categories=Skrooge quote source TargetDir=skrooge/quotes Uncompress=archive
The 'Edit a content entry' section at https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services/ specifies Statuscodes: 100 - successful 101 - please specify all mandatory fields 102 - no permission to change content because the returned code is 999, access right and mandatory fields seems not to be the problem.
The parameter list of the edit request (QUrl("https://api.kde-look.org/ocs/v1/content/edit/1256909") contains the following attributes: org.kde.attica: Parameter map: QMap((("Changelog", "")("Description", "Alkimia Online Offers")("Downloadbuy1", "0")("Downloadbuyprice1", "0")("Downloadbuyreason1", "")("License", "GLv2")("License type", "0")("Name", "alkimia-fx-rate.net")("Type", "339")("Version", "1.1"))) which helps to find the corresponding implementation in the ocs-apiserver source code. Unfortunately, the search for 'downloadbuy1' did not return any results, indicating that updating content via api.kde-look.org is not implemented. Can anyone confirm this conclusion ?