When Focus module fails to find a star, when clouds are passing by for instance, it waits for input with "Failed to automatically select a star. Please select a star manually.", and emits a signal notifying it is waiting. Scheduler is not listening to that event, and hangs waiting indefinitely. Scheduler should handle that situation, or Focus should make this situation a failure situation. Focus could for instance consider that no star found on frame will doom the focus procedure. It is to be noted that when the optical train is too defocused, Focus is unable to recover and find any star. But this is another talk.
Jasem, this is one of the issues that impact the d-bus rework you are currently doing. I'm worried that fixing those issues will create conflicts in your branch, but I'm also worried that such issues would better be fixed *before* your rework is complete, in order to avoid regressions. Opinion?
I think the scheduler should never trust any module blindly. So anything could possibly timeout in the scheduler and it jumps to action.
Two things I need to fix before introducing additional timers in the Scheduler: minimal workaround for the capture storage cache count (fits analysis later on) and removal of the lock-up related to the manual scheduled auto-focus. For timers, I need to go in multiple steps, as it is related to imaging duration estimation.
For this particular issue, there *is* a timeout in the Focus module, set to 45 seconds. But it is used to allow the user to pick a star, as the message suggests. I'll add a branch considering inAutoFocus, and capturing again instead of waiting for the user. Let's consider no stars mean clouds when auto-focusing.
Please check against KStars 3.6.1 and report back.
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