Hi, a wishlist item based on experience with Mendeley -- would it be possible to have a list of annotations (presumably in the sidebar) which could then be used to navigate to specific comments/marks?
https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/kdegraphics/okular/navigating.html: The navigation panel on the left side of the screen enables two more ways of navigating through a document: If the document has annotations, enable the Reviews view and click the annotations or select them with the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys and press Return to go to the associated page.
Thanks for the response. My apologies: Have used okular for years and somehow missed that(!). So then my only wish would be that this view was much flatter, to reduce the number of clicks to get to a page with an annotation. (In my dream version, text of comments would be available in the reviews panel too: cf Mendeley).
If you want a flatter list just unclick the group by page and group by author buttons
Man, I'm being dense. Many thanks