I have all columns on Project Overview enabled (default setting on my system). I used to see all columns and its content on my screen, however already quite some time the last column with Last Translator was very wide. The scroll bar at the bottom showed a very small handle. Moving this handle all the way right, I tried to reduce the width, which failed. After the last update of Plasma, now the column with the Last Translation became very wide, this makes the column with the Last Translator invisible. Trying to reduce the width by moving the handle all the way to the right and moving the end of the column to the left does not solve the problem; it seems to work, but in the end it does nothing.
Most likely the problem is in a used library. It is not present when using KDE Frameworks 5.45.0 and Qt 5.9.0 It is present when using KDE Frameworks 5.49.0 and Qt 5.11.1
I cannot reproduce this in the latest neon (kf5 5.50/qt5.11.1). Can you let me know which project you are trying to open, maybe a file header is not handled correctly and contains a seemingly very wide field ?
Created attachment 114851 [details] File ~/.config/lokalizerc Copied file from system without problem, which shows problem on the system showing the described problem after starting lokalize with the shown project file.
I have the following content in a file "trunkkf5.lokalize": [General] BranchDir=svn/branchkf5/nl GlossaryTbx=/home/freek/vertalingen/svn/trunkkf5/nl/woordenlijst.tbx LangCode=nl MailingList=kde-i18n-nl@kde.org PoBaseDir=/home/freek/vertalingen/svn/trunkkf5/nl PotBaseDir=/home/freek/vertalingen/svn/trunkkf5/templates ProjectID=kde4-nl TargetLangCode=nl I start lokalize using "/usr/bin/lokalize --project <path-to-above-file> The files ~/.config/lokalizerc in both systems differ. I copied that file from the system which looks OK to the one with the problem. I immediately gets the same problem. That file is attached.
See previous comment
Indeed, the serialized value for the column width was very large, causing this issue. I have fixed the defaultWidth which was missing/shifting columns since the Incomplete field was added back in June (not saying that was the root issue here, I honestly don't know). Second fix to address more specifically your problem : the column width will default to 5 times it's default theoretical value if it's more than that in the saved list header state. https://phabricator.kde.org/R456:27e8cd299c0d08453ef344256995417da06f9ae4