Running khotnewstuff_upload with the default upload knsrc file from knewstuff source does not display the available entries in the configured category. Running khotnewstuff_upload with QT_LOGGING_RULES=org.kde.*.debug=true shows that the following URL is used to get the category. A similar KDE4 test application displays the entries of the specified category. The difference to the KF5 variant is that the URL does not contain 'user=xxx&'.
For quick access: The working url is
>The difference to the KF5 variant is that the URL does not contain 'user=xxx&'. The intention of adding 'user' is probably to see only entries having a relation to the category, but the request simply fails silently in case 'user=' is added. Looking into the implementation there is if (!empty($this->_params['user'])) { $tableProjectSelect->where('member.username = ?', $this->_params['user']); } referencing 'member.username'. Running the request (without &user=...) appended with &debug=1 returns the used sql statement, which is <debug select_project="SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *, `project`.*, `project`.`username` AS `member_username`, `project`.`cat_title` AS `category_title`, `project`.`cat_xdg_type` AS `xdg_type`, `project`.`cat_name_legacy` AS `name_legacy`, (select count(1) as num_files from ppload.ppload_files f where = 1 and f.collection_id = project.ppload_collection_id group by f.collection_id) as num_files FROM `stat_projects` AS `project` WHERE (project.status = 100) AND (project.ppload_collection_id IS NOT NULL) AND (project.project_category_id IN ('339')) HAVING (num_files > 0) ORDER BY laplace_score(project.count_likes,project.count_dislikes) DESC LIMIT 10" select_files="SELECT `project`.* FROM `project` WHERE (1=1)"/> I see no reference to the table 'member' and the column 'username', just a definition of 'member_username' that refers to project.username, which makes me think that using 'member_username' was the original intention. Is there an OCS sandbox where this could be checked?
The solution to this problem is to fix the server api bug. Is there an official way to submit a bug report to the KDE Store, or should the contact at be used?
Reported bug upstream at
No reaction from the KDE Store team until now.
Still no reaction