When "Enhanced Media Controls" is enabled, Home Assistant fails to load and throws "TypeError: this._meta.byKey is not a function". Now I realize this may not sound like an issue on your side but interestingly enough, the LastPass extension seems to have caused the exact same problem in the past: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-polymer/issues/448 and per the referenced issues, also caused problems for other projects using web components (https://github.com/webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/issues/819, https://github.com/appreciated/vaadin-app-layout/issues/98). Now if this is really caused by the same addon behaviour then the plasma browser integration could very well also break other websites using similar polymer/webcomponent code but I haven't gotten a chance to check it yet.
Issues like these are why we disabled it by default
Do you have a test install of "Home Assistant" where I can try to debug the problem?
I'll try with https://www.home-assistant.io/demo/
Can't reproduce in Chrome or Chromium, both with my and an empty profile (just p-b-i, no blockers). The demo site loads just fine.
Home assistant supposedly ported away from the framework that broke with this. Also, the enhanced media controls won't tamper with the website DOM anymore in the upcoming release. Closing this now.